Best books for mastering algorithms and data-structures
The knowledge of algorithms and data structures is universally applicable and is considered to be a must have skill.
This enables us to recreate humanity civilization from the very beginning.
Books are the central scope of knowledge but recently, there have been a massive burst of books which puts the reader in delima.
The following 4 books will help you in mastering algorithms and data structures and become a master in the field.
We have compiled the best books by understanding the feedback from thousands of students and researchers in the field who have gone through hundreds of books in their personal quest for knowledge.
Study the books in given sequence for maximum benefit. You can ask us any questions if you get stuck while going through the books at our forum. On average, it takes 1 year 4 months to master the given material.
1. Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition (MIT Press) 3rd Edition by Thomas H. Cormen
This is the best book which will take you from a beginner to a competitive algorithmist. You will gain knowledge of the most algorithms and data structures that are used in day to day activities and prepares you through exercises for further advanced study.
Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition (MIT Press) by Thomas H. Cormen |
2. Algorithmics for Hard Problems: Introduction to Combinatorial Optimization, Randomization, Approximation, and Heuristics 2nd Edition by Juraj Hromkovič
This is the best book which you must go through after mastering Cormen's book. This will provide you advanced knowledge on particular algorithmic techniques which will prepare you to develop the state of the art algorithms used by Industry.
Algorithmics for Hard Problems: Introduction to Combinatorial Optimization, Randomization, Approximation, and Heuristics by Juraj Hromkovič |
3. Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences: Computer Science and Computational Biology 1st Edition by Dan Gusfield
This book will give you an unique and in-depth prespective to develop algorithms that involve information in the form of strings. This book provides an insight into Computational Biology algorithms which are a perfect way to master real-life applications of algorithms.
Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences: Computer Science and Computational Biology by Dan Gusfield |
4. Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems 1st Edition by Dorit Hochbaum
Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems 1st Edition by Dorit Hochbaum |
After mastering the above books, you can consider yourself to be one of the top potential researchers in the algorithm and data structure field. Beyond this, you need to investigate a particular path (such as autonomous driving algorithms and others) and think originally.
If you need help beyond this point, feel free to get in touch with us. We can help you get in touch with top researchers and give you an opportunity to present your own original research before them. The future is all yours beyond this.
You have mastered the Universe.