Bogosort vs Bozosort [Differences explained]

The key difference between Bogosort and Bozosort (Bogosort vs Bozosort) is that in Bozosort, only 2 elements are swapped at a time while in Bogosort, there is no such restriction and hence, the elements can take any permutation at a time.

The differences between Bogosort and Bozosort are as follows:

  • Bozosort swaps two elements at a time while Bogosort has no such restriction
  • Bozosort is more likely to perform better on partially sorted data compared to Bogosort
  • Bozosort has a rule attached to it but Bogosort follows no rules
  • Considering the best case, Bogosort will perform better in general as it can jump to the sorted data directly as compared to Bozosort which will go on in steps.
  • Bogosort is more random than Bozosort

The similarities between Bogosort and Bozosort are as follows:

  • Bogosort and Bozosort are both random sorting algorithms.
  • The time and space complexity of both Bogosort and Bozosort are same.

In short, Bozosort is preferred over Bogosort as in Bozosort, only two elements are swapped at a time while in Bogosort, the entire list is shuffled. Hence, Bogosort is more random than Bozosort in general.

Pseudocode (Bogosort vs Bozosort)

The pseudocode of Bozosort is as follows:

list // list of integers or other datatype
while( ! issorted(list))
    i, j = select two random elements in list
    swap i and j elements

The pseudocode of Bogosort is as follows:

list // list of integers or other datatype
while( ! issorted(list))

Note the difference is that:

  • In Bogosort, the entire array is shuffled.
  • In Bozosort, only two elements are swapped.

Time & Space complexity

Time and Space complexity of both Bogosort and Bozosort are same.

  • Worst case time complexity: O((N+1)!)
  • Average case time complexity: O((N+1)!)
  • Best case time complexity: O(N)
  • Space complexity: O(1)

With this article at OpenGenus, you must have the complete idea of the differences between Bogosort and Bozosort.