slice_scatter op in PyTorch

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Usage
    i. Key Features
    ii. Basic Usage
    iii. Advanced Applications
    iv. Caution
  3. Alternatives
  4. Conclusion


torch.slice_scatter is a tensor manipulation function in PyTorch that allows us to embed values from one tensor into another at specified locations. This operation generates a new tensor with fresh storage rather than modifying the original tensor. This capability is particularly useful for various data processing tasks in both deep learning and machine learning.


The function contains the below parameters:

  • src(Tensor): The tensor where you want to embed values.
  • target(Tensor): The tensor that contains values to insert.
  • dim (Optional[int]): The dimension along which to perform the insertion.
  • start (Optional[int]): The starting index where the insertion begins.
  • end (Optional[int]): The ending index for the insertion.
  • step (Optional[int]): How many elements to skip during insertion.
src.slice_scatter(target, src, dim=0, start=None, end=None, step=1)

Key Features

1. Insertion of Values: We can specify where in the tensor to insert values from another tensor.
2. Dimensional Flexibility: It operates along specified dimensions, allowing for complex data arrangements.
3. Step Size Control: The step parameter allows control over how many elements to skip when inserting values. This is useful for creating sparse patterns or selectively filling a tensor.

Basic Usage

import torch

#create a target tensor (8x8) filled with zeros
a = torch.zeros(8, 8)

#create a source tensor (2x8) filled with ones
b = torch.ones(2, 8)

#slice_scatter to insert b into a, from index 6
result = a.slice_scatter(b, start=6)


Output :

tensor([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
        [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
        [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]])

Advanced Applications

Let's look at some examples of where torch.slice_scatter() can be used in deep learning.

1. Data Augmentation :
The process of enhancing training datasets by applying various transformations is crucial for building robust models, especially in image recognition tasks where data scarcity can lead to overfitting.

Now, think of an image dataset. Using data augmentation, multiple augmented versions of each image can be produced. Instead of creating a completely new tensor to store these augmented samples, we can also leverage slice_scatter to embed them directly into an existing dataset tensor. This minimizes memory usage and keeps your workflow efficient.

2. Feature Engineering :
To create new features from existing data, feature engineering is used to transform raw data into other meaningful features that improve the performance of machine learning models.

When preparing data, to combine different features into one cohesive tensor, for instance, individual tensors for different attributes (like age, height, and weight), slice_scatter can help merge them into a single tensor that the model can use.

3. Sparse Data Handling :
Sparse data is common in many applications, especially in fields like NLP and recommendation systems. In these contexts, the majority of data entries may be zero or missing, making efficient storage and manipulation crucial.

Managing sparse data effectively often requires updating only specific parts of a tensor. With slice_scatter, we can insert new values directly into the sparse tensor without affecting the entire structure, which is essential for maintaining efficiency in both memory and computation.

4. Reinforcement Learning :
In reinforcement learning, agents learn to make decisions based on rewards received from the environment. Using slice_scatter, you can manage the state representation efficiently, embedding new states or actions into the existing state tensor.

When training a reinforcement learning agent, you might want to record various states and their corresponding actions. By using slice_scatter, you can dynamically update the state-action pairs in your tensor, allowing the agent to learn from the most relevant experiences efficiently.


When using tensor.slice_scatter() in PyTorch, it's important to keep the following cautions in mind to avoid runtime errors :

1. Shape Compatibility:
The shape of the target tensor must correctly align with the portion of the original tensor that is overwritten.

2. Starting Index:
The start index must be valid. It should not exceed the dimensions of the target tensor since, attempting to start at an invalid index will result in an error.

3. Dimension Awareness:
Make sure to scatter along the intended dimension and that it corresponds to the expected structure of the tensor.

4. Memory Usage:
Be cautious about memory usage when working with large tensors. When large tensors are frequently modified, consider other strategies(like pre-allocating memory) which might be more efficient.

5. Data Overwriting:
Using slice_scatter() will overwrite existing data in the target tensor. Make sure that this is the desired effect, as it could lead to loss of important information.

6. Error Handling:
Always implement error handling to catch potential issues when working with tensor dimensions and indices. This can help prevent crashes in larger applications.
Below is an example to illustrate the importance of shape compatibility:

#Original tensor
org_tensor = torch.zeros(4, 4)

#insert below tensor with incompatible shape
target_tensor = torch.ones(3, 3)

    org_tensor.slice_scatter(target_tensor, start=1)
except RuntimeError as e:
    print("Error:", e)

Observing the range of both tensors,we would receive an error because the shapes are not compatible.


Since slice_scatter() might not be suitable in every situation, consider using other alternatives.

1. Direct Indexing:
Try directly assigning values from a tensor to specific slices of another tensor using indexing. This method is straightforward and efficient in many cases.

import torch

org_tensor = torch.zeros(8, 8)
target_tensor = torch.ones(2, 8)
print(f"Original tensor : \n {org_tensor}")
#Insert the target tensor starting from row 6
org_tensor[6:8] = target_tensor

print(f"Modified tensor : \n {org_tensor}")

2. Concatenation:
Combine tensors rather than scatter values into an existing tensor using

tensor_a = torch.zeros(4, 8)
tensor_b = torch.ones(2, 8)

#combine both tensors
combined_tensor =, tensor_b))

3. In-Place Operations:
Modify an existing tensor without allocating new memory, consider in-place operations.

# Example of an in-place operation
org_tensor = torch.zeros(8, 8)
org_tensor[6:8].fill_(1)  # Fill specified indices with 1


In summary, torch.slice_scatter is a powerful function in PyTorch that simplifies tensor manipulations by enabling efficient and effective data processing.

Incorporating slice_scatter along with others like into your toolkit will undoubtedly enhance data manipulation capabilities, ultimately leading to more robust and efficient machine learning solutions.

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