Vote for Top Writers at OpenGenus (People's choice) 🥇
For the first time, we have opened public voting to choose the top writers at OpenGenus. The current voting will count towards choosing the top writers during 2020. Voting has started from 1st December 2020 and will continue till 31st December 2020. The final list of top Writers will be published in the first week of 2021.
This is a prestigious title as it is a people's choice award.
We are excited to see who will make it to the top 10 writers at OpenGenus.
- Voting starts (1st December 2020) [DONE]
- Voting ends (31st December 2020)
- Final list released (14th January 2021) 🥇
How to vote?
Below every article you will find the Author details. At the same place, there will be a heart button where you can cast a vote.
Once you cast a vote, the heart button will turn red.
You can click the button as many times you want. Once a vote has been cast, it cannot be uncasted. You can click on the heart button but the system captures the vote.
Who can vote?
Anyone can vote.
Organic visitors to our site reading your work will see the message to cast their vote. On voting, our system will capture the vote for the author and maintain the record.
Authors can share their work with their friends and ask them to vote as well.
How votes are calculated?
Authors will be ranked according to the total number of votes received across all articles written by the author.
The list will take into account the total number of votes only. We will not take into account other factors to keep the list people's choice exclusively.
When we will publish the list, we will include:
- Name of author
- Most popular article
- Total number of votes received
We are excited to see who will be among our top writers. Every writer is close to our community.
Commonly Asked Questions
Q1. My family members use the same IP address. Will their vote count?
Yes, votes from the same IP address will count.
We understand the family members and students at an University will have the same IP address so we have not used IP address as a criteria to identify unique votes. A vote is validated using various factors and we can assure that no valid vote will get overlooked.
Q2. Can I vote for myself?
Ideally, you can cast a vote for yourself.
This will not impact the results as our validation process will capture.
Q3. How many votes a particular author has received?
The number of votes for a specific author will be made public once the top writers list is published. This is to ensure that one cannot manipulate the votes based on the number of votes for different authors during the voting phase.