Algorithms Find number of substrings with same first and last characters You are given a string lets say "S" , you need to find the number of all contiguous substrings (part of "S") starting and ending with the same character.
Algorithms Binary Search in a Linked List You are given a sorted singly linked list and a key (element to be searched), find the key in the linked list using binary search algorithm. The challenge is to find the middle element as Linked List does not support random access.
Algorithms Algorithm to check if a linked list is sorted In this article, we have explored an algorithm to check if a given Linked List is sorted or not in linear time O(N). It takes constant space O(1).
Software Engineering Different types of Attribute Selectors in CSS It is possible to style HTML elements that have specific attributes or attribute values. The [attribute] selector is used to select elements with a specified attribute.