Row major and Column major order

In this article, we have explained the idea of Row major and Column major order which is used to store multi-dimensional array as a one-dimensional array.

Table of contents:

  1. Introduction to Array
  2. Row Major Order
  3. Column Major Order
  4. Finding address of element given the index
  5. Comparison of Row Major Order VS Column Major Order
  6. How to determine if elements are stored in row major or column major order?

Prerequisite: Basics of Array

Let us get started with Row major and Column major order.

Introduction to Array

We know that elements of a linear array are stored at contiguous memory locations. This means that for an array a = [1,2,3,4], if the first element is stored at memory location 1048, and size of int is 4 bytes, then arr[0] will be stored at 1048, arr[1] at 1052, arr[2] at 1056 and arr[3] at 1060.
Any array is stored linearly in RAM.

However, in case 2D arrays (or multidimensional arrays), there are conventions to decide the order of storing the elements in memory. The 2 ways are:

  1. Row Major Order
  2. Column Major Order
    Note that elements will be stored in contiguous locations.

Row Major Order

In row major order, the elements of a particular row are stored at adjacent memory locations. The first element of the array (arr[0][0]) is stored at the first location followed by the arr[0][1] and so on. After the first row, elements of the next row are stored next.

arr[3][3] =
[ a00, a01, a02 ]
[ b10, b11, b12 ]
[ c20, c21, c22 ]

Row major order = a00, a01, a02, b10, b11, b12, c20, c12, c22

If the first element is stored at memory location 1048 and the elements are integers, then

  • [1048] - a00
  • [1052] - a01
  • [1056] - a02
  • [1060] - b10
  • [1064] - b11
  • [1068] - b12
  • [1072] - c20
  • [1076] - c21
  • [1080] - c22

Column Major Order

In column major order, the elements of a column are stored adjacent to each other in the memory.The first element of the array (arr[0][0]) is stored at the first location followed by the arr[1][0] and so on. After the first column, elements of the next column are stored stating from the top.

arr[3][3] =
[ a00, a01, a02 ]
[ b10, b11, b12 ]
[ c20, c21, c22 ]

Column major order = a00, b10, c20, a01, b11, c21, a02, b12, c22
If the first element is stored at memory location 1048 and the elements are integers, then:

  • [1048] - a00
  • [1052] - b10
  • [1056] - c20
  • [1060] - a01
  • [1064] - b11
  • [1068] - c21
  • [1072] - a02
  • [1076] - b12
  • [1080] - c22

Finding address of element given the index

If we are given the address of the first element (This address is also called the base address) as well as the index of the element, we can find out the address of any element of the array. The method of finding the address is slightly different for 1D, 2D, and 3D arrays. We shall discuss each of them below.

1D Array

Given the base address I, and the array is of type Integer, then to calculate the address of any element:

address[i] = I + i(sizeof (data type) - lower bound)*

Generally, the indexing base is 0. We usually consider arrays that have 0 as the first index. In some cases, arrays have 1 based indexing, which means that the first index is 1.


Consider the base address of an boolean array to be 1048. Find the address of the element at index = 5. (Indexing is 0 based)

address[5] = I + i*(sizeof(boolean) - lower bound)

address[5] = 1048 + 5*(2) = 1048 + 10 = 1058

  • 1048, 1049 = arr[0]
  • 1050, 1051 = arr[1]
  • 1052, 1053 = arr[2]
  • 1054, 1055 = arr[3]
  • 1056, 1057 = arr[4]
  • 1058, 1059 = arr[5]

2D Array

  • Row Major Address
    The formula is intutive if we understand what it actually does. To calculate the address of an element in the ith row and jth column, we need to count how many memory locations have been used by the elements in the preceeding i-1 rows (where each row has N elements) in addition to the memory locations used by the preceeding j-1 elements in the current row. Each element will require as many bytes as used by the data type of the array. Hence, calculating the number of bytes required by all the preceeding elements in a row major fashion and adding this to the base address, would give use the address of the required element.

address[i][j] = I + W * (i - l_row) * N + (j - l_col)

I : Base address
l_row : lower bound for row
l_col : lower bound for column
W : sizeof (data type)
N : Number of columns

Consider an integer array of size 3X3. The address of the first element is 1048. Calculate the address of the element at index i = 2, j = 1. (0 based index)

I = 1048, l_row = 0 = l_col, i = 2, j = 1, W = 2, N = 3

address[2][1] = I + W * (i-l_row) * N + (j - l_col)

address[2][1] = 1048 + 2 * 2 * 3 + 1 = 1048 + 12 + 1 = 1061

  • Column Major Address

Here, for an element at index (i,j) we need to calculate the number of memory locations required by the elements in the preceeding j-1 columns (where each column has M elements) in addition to the i-1 elements in the current column. Adding this amount to the base element will give us the address of the required element.

address[i][j] = I + W * ((j – l_col) * M + (i – l_row))
I : Base address
l_row : lower bound for row
l_col : lower bound for column
W : sizeof (data type)
M : Number of rows


Consider an integer array of size 3X3. The address of the first element is 1048. Calculate the address of the element at index i = 2, j = 1. (0 based index)

I = 1048, l_row = 0 = l_col, i = 2, j = 1, W = 2, M = 3

address[2][1] = I + W * (j - l_col) * M + (i - l_row)

address[2][1] = 1048 + 2 * 1 * 3 + 2 = 1048 + 6 + 2 = 1056

3D Array

  • Row Major Order

address of[i][j][k] = I + W * {[(i – l_row) * N] + [(j – l_col)]} * R + [k – l_block]

I : Base address,
W : sizeof (data type) in bytes
l_row : lower bound for row
l_col : lower bound for column
l_block : lower bound for block
N : Number of columns
R : Number of blocks

  • Column Major Order

address of[i][j][k] = I + W * {[(i – l_row)] + [(j – l_col) * M]} * R + [k – l_block]

I : Base address,
W : sizeof (data type) in bytes
l_row : lower bound for row
l_col : lower bound for column
l_block : lower bound for block
N : Number of columns
R : Number of blocks

Comparison of Row Major Order VS Column Major Order

Storing elements in row major order matrix improves the performance when the array elements are to be traversed in a contiguous fashion. This means traversing the array in a way that the elements of the first row are traversed first then the elements of the next row and so on. Row major order becomes a better choice in such cases because elements are stored exactly like this in memory and hence the traversal would simply mean moving through contiguous memory locations.

Column Major Order would be more useful in case the traversal involves going through the elements in the same column first and then onto the next one. This is intuitively a better approach as the traversal would then require movinf through contiguous memory location.

All in all, the advantage is entirely performance based which might vary depending on the use case. But Row major order might generally yield better performance because the cache prefetches contiguous elements which are used in case of row major order. However, in case of column major order the cache prefetch is not used because the elements in the cahe are the elements in same row but for column major order the elements from the same column need to be traversed.

How to determine if elements are stored in row major or column major order?

A lot depends on the language we are using. For example, FORTRAN stores the elements in Column Major Order whereas C/C++ stores the elements in Row Major Order.
Python on the other hand enables the programmer to specify the order. We can use both, row and column major order, in the same program.

With this article at OpenGenus, you must have the complete idea of Row major and Column major order.