Machine Learning (ML) Floating point operations per second (FLOPS) of Machine Learning models In this article, we take a look at the FLOPs values of various machine learning models like VGG19, VGG16, GoogleNet, ResNet18, ResNet34, ResNet50, ResNet152 and others. The FLOPS range from 19.6 billion to 0.72 billion.
Machine Learning (ML) Evolution of CNN Architectures: LeNet, AlexNet, ZFNet, GoogleNet, VGG and ResNet It all started with LeNet in 1998 and eventually, after nearly 15 years, lead to ground breaking models winning the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge which includes AlexNet in 2012, ZFNet in 2013, GoogleNet in 2014, VGG in 2014, ResNet in 2015 to ensemble of previous models in 2016.
Machine Learning (ML) VGG16 architecture We have explored the VGG16 architecture in depth. VGGNet-16 consists of 16 convolutional layers and is very appealing because of its very uniform Architecture. Similar to AlexNet, it has only 3x3 convolutions, but lots of filters. It can be trained on 4 GPUs for 3 weeks.
Machine Learning (ML) Run a VGG16 model in ONNX format on TVM Stack with LLVM backend In this guide, we will run a VGG16 model in ONNX format on the TVM Stack with LLVM backend. You do not need any specialized equipment like GPU and TPU to follow this guide. A simple CPU is enough.
Machine Learning (ML) Run a VGG19 model in ONNX format on TVM Stack with LLVM backend In this guide, we will run a VGG19 model in ONNX format on the TVM Stack with LLVM backend. You do not need any specialized equipment like GPU and TPU to follow this guide. A simple CPU is enough.