Natural Language Processing (NLP) Types of NLP models Natural Language Processing (NLP) refers to a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Computer Science that gives computers the ability to analyze and interpret human language.
Machine Learning (ML) SpineNet SpineNet proposes an alternative to ResNet50, a variant of the ResNet model which uses 50 layers of deep convolutional network (hence "50" in its name). It intends to disrupt the CNN architecture from a high level which has not changed over the years.
Algorithms Generate 0 and 1 with 25% and 75% probability Given a function that generates 0, 1 50% of the time (like most of the random function in modern programming languages do), how can we design a function that return 0, 1 25%, 75% of the time?
Graph Algorithms D’Esopo-Pape Algorithm In this article, we are going to explore D’Esopo-Pape Algorithm, a single source shortest path algorithm proposed by D’Esopo and Pape in 1980. This is an efficient alternative to the famous Dijkstra's Algorithm, but has an exponential time complexity in the worst case.