Algorithms Move the first element of the linked list to the end In this problem, given a linked list, we move the first element of the linked list to the end of the linked list.
Algorithms Move all occurrences of an element to end of linked list In this problem, given a linked list and an input key value, the task is to move all occurrences of the given key to the end of the linked list.
Software Engineering Sending Browser Notifications from Chrome Extensions In this article, we have explored how to send browser notifications from Chrome extensions. We have explained the process step by step.
Software Engineering Building a chrome extension step by step In this guide, we have illustrated how to build a simple chrome extension step by step and how to load our chrome extension using Developer tools and check it.
Software Engineering A Guide to CSS Pseudo Classes A pseudo class is basically a pseudo state of element which can be later targeted with CSS. They can be used to target and style those elements which cannot be targeted with normal CSS classes or Id.