Randomized Algorithm Majority Element using randomized algorithm This article at OpenGenus introduces a randomized algorithm for finding the majority element. On average it has the same runtime, but when the size of the array increases exponentially, this algorithm is much much faster probabilistically.
Algorithms Generate 0 and 1 with 25% and 75% probability Given a function that generates 0, 1 50% of the time (like most of the random function in modern programming languages do), how can we design a function that return 0, 1 25%, 75% of the time?
Problems on Binary Tree Select Random Node from Binary Tree In this article, we have presented two algorithms to select a random node from Binary Tree while maintaining the uniform randomness.
Algorithms Select a random node from Linked list In this article, we have presented two algorithms to select a random node from Linked list efficiently while maintaining uniform randomness.
Algorithms List of Randomized Algorithms In this article, we have listed several important Randomized Algorithms such as Fisher Yates shuffle, Minimum Cut with Karger's, Matrix Product Verification and many more.
Algorithms Reservoir Sampling Technique In this article, we have explained the Reservoir Sampling Technique which is the basis of Randomized Algorithms. We have covered two methods Simple Reservoir and Variable Probability.
Algorithms Karger’s algorithm to find Minimum Cut In this article, we will explore how the Karger's algorithm works to find the minimum cut in a graph and its C++ implementation. This is a randomized algorithm based on Graphs.
Algorithms Understand Randomized Algorithms once and for all In this post, we discuss what randomized algorithms are, and have a look at the Solovay-Strassen Primality Tester to see what they are like.