Deep Learning VGG54 and VGG22 VGG54 and VGG22 are loss metrics to compare high and low resolution images by considering the feature maps generated by VGG19 neural network model.
Deep Learning Gradient Accumulation [+ code in PyTorch] Gradient Accumulation is an optimization technique that is used for training large Neural Networks on GPU and help reduce memory requirements and resolve Out-of-Memory OOM errors while training. We have explained the concept along with Pytorch code.
Deep Learning Calculate mean and std of Image Dataset In this article, we have explained how to calculate the mean and standard deviation (std) of an image dataset which can be used to normalize images in the dataset for effective training of Neural Networks.
Machine Learning (ML) GELU vs ReLU In this article, we have explored the differences between GELU (Gaussian Error Linear Unit) and ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) activation functions in depth.
Machine Learning (ML) Activation function GELU in BERT In BERT, GELU is used as the activation function instead of ReLU and ELU. In this article, we have explained (both based on experiments and theoretically) why GELU is used in BERT model.
Theory of Computation Church Turing Thesis in Theory of Computation We have explain the meaning and importance of Church Turing Thesis in Theory of Computation along with its applications and limitations.
Theory of Computation Pumping Lemma Questions We have presented some Questions which can be solving using Pumping Lemma in Theory of Computation. You must try these questions to test your understanding of Pumping Lemma before your examination.
Theory of Computation Pumping Lemma in Theory of Computation Pumping Lemma in Theory of Computation is a theorem that is used to determine if a given string is in a regular language L or a Context Free Language (CFL). We have explained the theorem in depth and presented problems that can be solved using the theorem.
Theory of Computation Context free grammar (CFG) for Balanced Parentheses We have presented the Context free grammar (CFG) for properly nested parentheses or Balanced Parentheses / Expressions using all three set of brackets.