Data Structures Merkle Tree [Explained] Merkle tree is named after Ralph Merkle, it is a tree data structure where non-leaf nodes are a hash of its child nodes and leaf nodes are a hash of a block of data. This is an USPTO patented Algorithm.
Data Structures Cuckoo filter [Explained] A cuckoo filter is a probabilistic data structure that is used to test whether an element is a member of a set or not. It is similar to the Bloom filter.
Algorithms Number of substrings with exactly k distinct characters In this problem, we are given a string and our job is to count the total number of substrings of the given string that contains exactly k distinct characters. We have explored 3 approaches to solve this.
Algorithms Shift OR algorithm for String Matching Shift OR algorithm uses bitwise techniques to check whether the given pattern is present in the string or not. It is efficient if the pattern length is lesser than the memory-word size of the machine
Algorithms Convert one string to another by changing all occurrence of a character to another We will be solving Check if one string can be converted to another by changing all occurrence of a character to another character problem using the Union and Find algorithm.
Algorithms Find length of the longest Fibonacci subsequence We have a strictly increasing array of positive integers. Our task is to find the length of the longest Fibonacci subsequence possible. We will solve this using Brute force and Dynamic Programming.
Algorithms Next Larger / Smaller element in Array (using Monotonic Queue) In this problem, we are given an array and our task is to find the next larger/ smaller element for each element in the array. We have covered brute force approach and Monotonic Queue.
Algorithms Maximal Rectangle problem (using Monotonic queue) We have solved the maximal rectangle problem using Monotonic queue. In this problem we are given a matrix consisting of only 0's and 1's, we need to find the largest rectangle consisting of only 1's and return its area.
Algorithms Monotonic Queue (with Daily Temperatures & Largest Rectangle in Histogram) Monotonic queue is a data structure where the data is entirely in non-decreasing order or entirely in non-increasing order. It is generally used for optimizing dynamic programming techniques.
Algorithms Reverse a Stack The objective of this article is to explore various approaches that can be used to reverse the given stack (stack is a linear data structure where insertion and deletion are made at the same end).
Software Engineering Basics of Unordered multiset in C++ An unordered multiset is an unordered set (a set in which a key can be stored in any random order) that allows different elements to have equivalent values (allows duplicate items).