Algorithms 5 Advantages of Huffman coding In this article, we have explored the 5 advantages of Huffman coding and why it is one of the best encoding method despite being so simple.
Algorithms Maximum XOR of two numbers in an array using Trie Given a list of numbers we need to identify a pair of numbers in the list such that the XOR of those numbers is the maximum possible over all the pairs.
Algorithms Find k-th smallest element using QuickSelect algorithm Quickselect is an approach where we use divide and conquer and find the k th smallest element in an average O(N) time.
Software Engineering Bit header file in C++20 Bit header was included in the C++20. This header provides components such as types and functions to access, manipulate and process individual bits and bit sequences.
Software Engineering Deleted function in C++ C++11 introduced a new use of the delete keyword to make a function non-callable.
Software Engineering Default functions in C++11 C++11 introduced a new use of the default keyword as a way to explicitly tell the compiler that a special member function will use the default implementation.
C++ std::variant in C++ std::variant was added in C++17 to support the sum type. It adds more functionality to union and hence is a safer version of it.
C++ Spaceship operator <=> in C++ The three-way comparison operator , colloquially called the spaceship operator was added in C++20. It is an alternative to basic_string compare() function in C++.
Algorithms Linked List with no NULLs A Linked list is a dynamic data structure which can grow or shrink on demand. It is usually implemented using NULLs, we will consider an alternative no NULL approach and use placeholder nodes.
Problems on Binary Tree Designing a Binary Search Tree with no NULLs A Binary Search Tree (BST) is usually implemented using NULLs in C or C++. This article explores an alternative approach of using placeholder nodes. Here the Binary Search Tree will be implemented in C++.
Software Engineering nullptr (null pointer) in C++ A null pointer (nullptr) is a pointer that does not point to any memory location. nullptr is a keyword that was introduced in C++11 standard to denote a null pointer. This standard also introduced a nullptr_t type.
Software Engineering Capitalize letters in Python In this article, we have covered how to capitalize the first letter using capitalize() in Python, convert the entire string to upper-case, convert the entire string to lower-case and capitalize first letter of each word.