backtracking Backtracking vs Branch and Bound In this article, we have compared Backtracking vs Branch and Bound algorithms.
Algorithms 0-1 Knapsack problem using Branch and Bound In this article, we have explored the Branch and Bound algorithm for 0-1 Knapsack problem.
Algorithms Branch and Bound Technique With this article, you have explained the idea of Branch and Bound Technique, types of Branch and Bound Technique and applications of the technique.
Algorithms Travelling Salesman Problem using Branch and Bound approach In this article we have discussed about the travelling salesman problem and the branch and bound method to solve the TSP.
Algorithms 8 Queens Problem using Branch and Bound In the backtracking approach of solving 8 queens problem, we maintain an 8x8 binary matrix for keeping track of safe cells and update it each time we place a new queen.