Go Programming Language Introduction to Concurrency in Go A goroutine is a function that runs concurrently to other functions. Channels provide a medium for goroutines to communicate with each other.
Go Programming Language Receiver Parameter Idiom in Golang The receiver parameter idiom in Golang is a pattern in which method declaration has a special parameter that enables a type to associate methods that can be called on its instances.
Go Programming Language Linked List in Golang Linked List is a data structure in Computer Science that stores data in a non-contiguous fashion in computer memory. It comprises nodes or elements that are interconnected through logical links. These links are established from one node to another using memory addresses.
Go Programming Language Learn Golang implementation in one article In this article on OpenGenus, we will explore the complete introduction to programming in Go also known as Golang. We will cover basic concepts like data types, functions and others with code snippets and implement Linked List from scratch applying the concepts.
Go Programming Language Go Interfaces : A beginner's guide An interface at its best, is an interaction point where two different systems meet in order to interact with each other. Interfaces in Go are none different, they can be understood as interaction points for two or more apparently unrelated types.
Software Engineering Typing in Python, Go and JavaScript compared In this article, we compared the typing system in Python, Go and JavaScript. You will learn commonly used concepts like static, dynamic, strong and weak typing and more.