Algorithms Construct BST from pre-order traversal (using monotonic stack; no recursion) This article discusses on a way in which, Binary Search Tree (BST) can be reconstructed when corresponding pre-order traversal of the tree is input, using a concept of monotonic stack.
Algorithms Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray We have solved the problem "Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray" and explained the logic behind it and what are the different methods (like Monotonic Stack) we can use to solve it efficiently.
Algorithms Shortest Subarray with at least K as sum In this problem, we find the length of the Shortest Subarray with at least K as sum. This can be solved in O(N) time complexity. This brings in the ideas of Monotonic Queue and Sliding Window.
Algorithms Remove K digits to make smallest number We will be solving the problem of removing K digits from a given number to form the smallest number possible without changing the order of the original number. We will use the idea of Monotonic Stack