Algorithms C program to check whether brackets are Balanced in an Equation We have developed a C program to check whether brackets are Balanced in an Equation using the Stack data structure and solving it in O(N) time.
Software Engineering Reverse a String (word by word) in C In this problem, we have reversed a string or text word by word in C. The strategy to do this is important and tests C implementation skill.
Data Structures Implementing a Stack using an Array and Linked list Stack is a linear data structure following LIFO (Last in First out) order and can be implemented using Array or Linked List as an internal data structure.
Algorithms Number of times characters of a string is present in another string In this article, we have explored the algorithm to find the Number of times characters of a string is present in another string. This can be solved in O(N^2) time.
Algorithms First Unique Character in a String In this article, we need to find first unique i.e non-repeating character in a given string and return the index or else if no such character exists we return -1.
Software Engineering Template Class in C++ Template class in C++ is a feature that allows a programmer to write generic classes and functions which is useful as the same class/ function can handle data of multiple data types.
Software Engineering Structures in C++ Structures in C++ are alternative to classes and is useful in designing a program better. It is in between array and classes. We have covered important points like difference between class and structure and need for structure.
Software Engineering Callbacks in JavaScript A callback function in JavaScript is function where a function passed as an argument to the original function. It is an useful feature in JavaScript to handle asynchronous operations and much more.
Software Engineering I Promise only in JavaScript! But Why? Promise is the keyword used for creating promises in JavaScript and is used to manage multiple asynchronous events. We have explained it in depth along with a comparison with callback.
Algorithms Find minimum number of deletions to make a string palindrome We need to find the minimum number of characters to be deleted in a string to make it a palindrome. This can be done in O(N^2) time with the help of Dynamic Programming approach of Longest Palindromic Subsequence.
Software Engineering Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm The key idea of Round Robin Scheduling algorithm is to allocate CPU to all processes in the same order for the same amount of time in turns. It provides real time computing experience.