Algorithms 2D Prefix Sum In this article, we discuss about how to find the Prefix sum of a given matrix that is 2D Prefix Sum. We have demonstrated 3 methods to find the 2D prefix sum.
Algorithms K-th Largest Element in Array In this article, We will discuss 4 different approaches to find the kth largest element in the given array.
Algorithms Super Pow Problem [LeetCode: 372] Your task is to calculate a^b mod 1337 where a is a positive integer and b is an extremely large positive integer given in the form of an array.
Time Complexity Time and Space Complexity of Selection Sort on Linked List In this article, we will learn about the space and time complexity of the Merge sort algorithm on Linked List using Mathematical analysis of various cases.
C++ Sort Vector of Custom Object in C++ STL In this article, we will sort a vector having custom object as elements of vector in C++ using comparator.