Algorithms Reverse bits of an Integer In this article, we have explored an efficient algorithm to Reverse bits of an Integer. The challenge is to do this in-place without using auxiliary memory.
Algorithms Reverse Integer In this article, we will explore an efficient algorithm to reverse a 32 bit Integer. This involve edge cases where the reverse integer is out of bounds.
Algorithms Implement K stacks in one array In this article, we have present two approaches to design K stacks in one array. The challenge is to efficiently store the elements to use all available space in the array and maintain the time complexity of stack operations.
Data Structures Data Structure with insert and product of last K elements operations We have presented 2 designs for Data Structure with insert and product of last K elements operations. Both operations can be done in constant time O(1).
Algorithms Count total set bits in all numbers from 1 to N We have presented an efficient approach to find the total number of set bits in all numbers from 1 to N in O(logN) time by deriving a pattern and a formula.
Algorithms Longest Increasing Consecutive Subsequence We have to find the Longest Increasing Consecutive Subsequence in N elements. We can solve this problem efficiently using Dynamic Programming in O(N) time.
Algorithms Multiplication using bitwise operations We have explained how to compute Multiplication using Bitwise Operations. We can solve this using left shift, right shift and negation bitwise operations.
Time Complexity Time and Space complexity of Quick Sort We have explained the different cases like worst case, best case and average case Time Complexity (with Mathematical Analysis) and Space Complexity for Quick Sort.
Algorithms 132 Pattern Problem [Solved] In this article, we have explained what is 132 pattern problem and have discussed 3 different approaches to solve it in linear time O(N) where brute force approach takes O(N^3) time.
Algorithms Minimum number of nodes to be removed such that no subtree has more than K nodes The article contains editorial + implementation for Finding minimum number of nodes to be removed such that no sub tree has more than K nodes.
Software Engineering 3D Vectors in C++ Article for 3D Vector in C++ which contains guide for creating 3D vector, adding elements, deleting elements traversing through vector and different ways for doing these.