Machine Learning (ML) Object Detection ML Application In this article, we have explained one of the most popular applications of Machine Learning namely Object Detection. We have explained the input, output, models used and evaluation metrics for Object Detection.
Machine Learning (ML) Applications of Machine Learning We have covered common ML tasks/ applications with respect to image and textual data along with the models used and examples of its use in various domains.
Machine Learning (ML) Architecture of DenseNet-121 We have explored the architecture of a Densely Connected CNN (DenseNet-121) and how it differs from that of a standard CNN. DenseNet-121 has 120 Convolutions and 4 AvgPool.
Software Engineering Best Coding Practices Coding best practices are a set of informal rules that the software development community employs to help improve software quality. We have explained several such practices.
Algorithms Bubble Sort using Two Stacks We have explored the algorithm to perform Bubble Sorting Algorithm using Two Stacks and sort a given array.
Machine Learning (ML) Differences between CNN and RNN CNN (Convolution Neural Network) and RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) are two core Machine Learning models and are based on different fundamental ideas. In this article, we have explored the differences between CNN and RNN in depth.