Algorithms Understand Randomized Algorithms once and for all In this post, we discuss what randomized algorithms are, and have a look at the Solovay-Strassen Primality Tester to see what they are like.
Machine Learning (ML) Transformer Networks: How They Can Replace GANs After an introduction to how transformers work, and a brief look at how they process text data, we see how they can also generate images and audio data just like GANs.
Machine Learning (ML) Overview of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and their Applications Today we cover Generative Adversarial Networks – or GANs for short. GANs are some of the most impressive things that we can do using deep learning (a sub-field of Machine Learning). We shall first see how they work, and then see some interesting and recent applications.
Machine Learning (ML) Classification and Regression Trees: Advanced Methods (with C4.5 algorithm) In this post, we show the popular C4.5 algorithm on the same classification problem and look into advanced techniques to improve our trees: such as random forests and pruning.
Machine Learning (ML) Classification and Regression Trees (CART) Algorithm Classification and Regression Trees (CART) is only a modern term for what are otherwise known as Decision Trees. Decision Trees have been around for a very long time and are important for predictive modelling in Machine Learning.
Machine Learning (ML) Normalization in Machine Learning: A Breakdown in detail In this article, we have explored Normalization in detail and presented the algorithmic steps. We have covered all types like Batch normalization, Weight normalization and Layer normalization.
Machine Learning (ML) Activation Functions in Machine Learning: A Breakdown We have covered the basics of Activation functions intuitively, its significance/ importance and its different types like Sigmoid Function, tanh Function and ReLU function.
Software Engineering Types of Exceptions in Java In this article, we have explored the different types of exceptions in Java. The main types are checked and unchecked exceptions. By definition, the types are build-in exceptions and user defined exceptions.