Deep Learning Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) - Part 1 This research marks the beginning of neural networks for collaborative filtering using implicit data. It proves the inability of linear models and simple inner product to understand the complex user-item interactions. We introduce the NCF architecture in its 3 instantiations - GMF, MLP and NeuMF.
Machine Learning (ML) The ShuffleNet Series (Part 3): Implementation using Pytorch We have covered every step involved in training and testing our ShuffleNet model that performs multi-class image classification. The introduction of the CIFAR 10 dataset and result discussion are also included.
Deep Learning ShuffleNet Series (Part 2): A Comparison with Popular CNN architectures This article covers the comparison of ShuffleNet with some famous architectures. It also covers how well the newer variants of ShuffleNet are as compared to their older counterparts.
Machine Learning (ML) The ShuffleNet Series (Part 1) The breakthrough CNN architecture for object classification in mobile devices, ShuffleNet has been explained in-depth in this article. Its newer and better versions ShuffleNet V2, V2+, Large & X-Large has also been elucidated.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Why SpaCy over NLTK? We listed 10 aspects where spaCy shines better than NLTK. It also includes information when NLTK outsmarts spaCy.