Algorithms Number of distinct substrings of length K We have explained the approach to find the Number of distinct substrings of length K using Rolling hash technique, hash table and brute force approach.
System Design System Design of Online Coding Judge (Competitive Programming Platform) In this article, we have explored the system design of an online coding judge like HackerRank and CodeForces in depth and explored the best choices.
System Design Design of Rate Limiting System We have explained how to Design a Rate Limiting System in a scalable way and explored various algorithms that are used in practice.
Algorithms Commonly asked interview questions on sorting algorithms. Power booster for your interview preparation! In this article, we have presented several multiple choice questions (MCQs) on Sorting Algorithms for coding interviews with answers. This will help you get prepared.
Algorithms Comparison b/w Different Advanced Sorting algorithms (Interview preparation) We have reviewed and compared different Advanced Sorting algorithms that will help you in your Interview preparation. We have covered 5 sorting algorithms namely bucket, radix, counting, heap and shell sort.
Algorithms Different Basic Sorting algorithms. Know when to use which one and Ace your tech interview! We have covered the basic ideas of the basic sorting algorithms such as Insertion Sort and others along with time and space complexity and Interview questions on sorting algorithms with answers.
Software Engineering Basic understanding of jemalloc Jemalloc is a general purpose malloc implementation that emphasizes fragmentation avoidance and scalable concurrency support. We have explored the basics of jemalloc in depth.
Software Engineering mmap, brk and sbrk memory management calls in UNIX brk and sbrk are basic memory management system calls used in Unix and Unix-like operating systems. mmap maps files into memory. We have explored mmap, brk and sbrk in depth.
Software Engineering Function scope in Python Function scope in Python means how a particular function is accessible from different components depending on LEGB (Local -> Enclosing -> Global -> Built-in) rule.