Algorithms Sum and Number of Divisors of a Number In this post, we discuss formulas for getting the number of divisors of a number and their sum, additionally we will implement an algorithm that solves this problem.
Time Complexity Time and Space Complexity of Interpolation Search In this post, we discuss interpolation search algorithm, its best, average and worst case time complexity and compare it with its counterpart search algorithms. We derive the average case Time Complexity of O(loglogN) as well.
computational geometry Number of integral points between two points In this post, we solve an algebraic geometrical problem using programming whereby we find the number of integral points between two given two points.
Algorithms Meet In Middle Technique In this post, we discuss the Meet in Middle problem solving technique and show through examples how we can use it to improve a naive brute force algorithm.
Algorithms Jump Consistent Hash: A Fast, Minimal Memory, Consistent Hash Algorithm In this article, we discuss the jump consistent hashing algorithm which offers improvements compared to previous approaches to consistent hashing for distributed data storage applications.
Algorithms Distributed Hash Table In this article, we discuss hash tables and their implementations on a larger scale while maintaining its computational complexity that is Distributed Hash Table.
Algorithms Parallel Merge Sort In this post, we discuss various approaches used to adapt a sequential merge sort algorithm onto a parallel computing platform. We have presented 4 different approaches of Parallel Merge Sort.
Algorithms Jump Game II: Minimum number of jumps to last index In this post, we will explore various ways to solve the minimum number of jumps to last index (Jump Game II) problem. In this, we will use ideas of Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithm.
Algorithms Parallel Quick Sort In this post, we have discussed how to implement Quick Sort algorithm parallelly using 5 different approaches including HyperQuickSort, Parallel quicksort by regular sampling and many more.
Algorithms Median of Medians Algorithm In this post, we explained the median of medians heuristic, its applications and usefulness as well as its limitations. Median of Medians Algorithm is a Divide and Conquer algorithm.
Algorithms Time & Space Complexity of Bellman Ford Algorithm In this post, we do an analysis the Bellman Ford's single source shortest path graph algorithm to find its computational Time and Space complexity for Best case, Worst case and Average Case.
Data Structures All O`one Data Structure In this post, we will design a Data Structure that returns the string occurring maximum and minimum times in constant time O(1). This will use a hashmap and a doubly linked list utilizing the advantages of each to solve the problem.
Algorithms Reverse part of Singly Linked List In this post, we have demonstrated ways in which we can not only reverse a singly linked list but also some part of Singly Linked List. It takes linear time O(N) to Reverse part of Singly Linked List.
Algorithms Remove N-th Node from end of Singly Linked List In this article, we have explained two approaches to Remove N-th Node from end of Singly Linked List. We can do this in single pass / one traversal in O(N) time.
Algorithms Roman to Integer In this article, we have explained two efficient approaches / algorithms to convert Roman number to Integer. We have presented the implementation as well.
C++ Different Ways to find element in Vector in C++ STL In this article, we have explained Different Ways to find element in Vector in C++ STL which includes using std::find(), std::find_if, std::distance, std::count and Linear Search.