Data Structures Basics of R Tree R-tree is an advanced height-balanced Tree Data Structure that is widely used in production for spatial problems (like geographical map operations). We have presented the need for R Tree along with the basics of R Tree
Algorithms Number of ways to reach number using increments of 1 and 2 (consecutive 1s are not allowed) In this problem, we are given a number, we need to find the number of ways to reach it using increments of 1 and 2, given consecutive 1s not allowed.
Algorithms Multi Dimensional Divide and Conquer In this article we will be discussing a research paper published in 1980 by Jon Louis Bentley. Generally we see algorithms that solve a single specific purpose, but in this paper we discuss multidimensional divide-and-conquer.
Algorithms Algorithms & Data Structures for Range Searching (Advanced) Range Searching is one of the most important fields in computational geometry and the areas of database searching and mostly in geographical data bases.
Algorithms Number of ways to reach a number using increments of 1 and 2 (consecutive 2s are not allowed) The problem states that given a number or a score, we need to find the number of ways to reach it using increments of 1 and 2 with a constraint that consecutive 2s aren't allowed. We will solve this using Dynamic Programming in linear time O(N).
Algorithms Time bounds for selection In this article, we have discussed the paper titled "Time bounds for selection" submitted by Blum and others. It presents PICK algorithm for the problem which is "Given an array of n integers, we have to pick the ith smallest number". It takes no more than 5.4305 * n comparisons.
Algorithms Longest palindromic substring using Palindromic tree Given a string, we are required to find the longest palindromic substring. In this article, we have solved this problem using palindromic tree.
Algorithms Longest Palindromic Substring using Dynamic Programming In this article, we have explored the longest palindromic substring problem for which brute force takes O(N^3) time while a Dynamic Programming approach takes O(N^2) time.
Algorithms Number of ways to reach a given number using increments of 1 and 2 The problem we will try to solve is to find the Number of ways to reach a given number (or a score in a game) using increments of 1 and 2 with consecutive 1s and consecutive 2s allowed. This is solved in linear time O(N) using Dynamic Programming.
Algorithms Maximum product cutting problem In Maximum product cutting problem. we are given a rod of length N which we need to cut into small pieces such that the product of the length of the pieces is maximum. This is similar to the Rod Cutting problem and can be solved using Dynamic Programming.
Algorithms Rod cutting problem In this article, we explored the rod cutting problem in depth which can be solved using a Dynamic Programming approach that takes O(N^2) time and O(N) space
Software Engineering Sorting a vector in C++ A vector in C++ can be sorted in multiple ways like ascending or descending order, using a custom comparison function, using lambda, sorting a 2D matrix and using nth_element() function.