C++ Different Ways to Delete Elements in Unordered Map in C++ STL In this OpenGenus article, we will look at the various ways of deleting elements in an unordered map in C++.
Algorithms Fowler-Noll-Vo (FNV) Hash Algorithm The FNV (Fowler-Noll-Vo) hash algorithm is a non-cryptographic hash function designed for fast hashing of small to medium-sized data. It was created by Glenn Fowler, Landon Curt Noll, and Kiem-Phong Vo.
Python Exploring MySQL Connector for Python: A Beginner's Guide Are you stepping into the world of Python and databases? If so, you're likely to encounter various libraries that facilitate the interaction between your Python scripts and databases. One such powerful tool is mysql-connector-python.
Data Structures Anagram Trees The objective of this OpenGenus article is to explore the concept of utilizing anagram trees, a specialized tree structure, to efficiently organize and retrieve anagrams of words.
Java Producer Consumer problem using wait and notify in Java The Producer-Consumer problem is a classic example of a multi-process synchronization problem. The problem describes two processes, the producer and the consumer, who share a common, fixed-size buffer used as a queue.
Computer Architecture Pollack's rule in Computer Architecture Pollack's rule states: performance improvement tends to increase at a rate that is roughly the square root of the increase in microarchitecture complexity.
Graph Algorithms Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix [4 approaches explained] This problem involves navigating a 2D matrix to find the longest path such that each element in the path is strictly greater than the previous one.
Go Programming Language Receiver Parameter Idiom in Golang The receiver parameter idiom in Golang is a pattern in which method declaration has a special parameter that enables a type to associate methods that can be called on its instances.
Go Programming Language Linked List in Golang Linked List is a data structure in Computer Science that stores data in a non-contiguous fashion in computer memory. It comprises nodes or elements that are interconnected through logical links. These links are established from one node to another using memory addresses.
CSS Responsive Navigation Bar [without Bootstrap or external library] A responsive nav-bar is a UI/UX based element, which is essential to improve the appearance and ease of navigation in websites. It consists of a 1D bar (usually) with icons and hyperlinks to take you to different parts of the same website.
C++ Vector of array in C++ The vector of arrays in C++ is an excellent tool for efficiently managing fixed-size arrays within a vector. This approach is particularly advantageous for organizing grouped data where each array shares a uniform size.
Deep Learning Introduction to Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) consist of autonomous agents that interact with each other and their environment to achieve individual or collective goals.
Physics Discovery of Speed of Light and some methods to measure it From the ancient times to the modern days, It was a very long journey how concepts about light evolved with time and new experiments and observations. Today we all know Light is a electro-magnetic wave as well as bunch of photon particles.
Machine Learning (ML) ML model to predict Waiter’s Tip This OpenGenus article explores the application of machine learning techniques in predicting waiter tips based on factors such as total bill, day and time. Written in Python, the code employs one-hot encoding and Linear Regression, offering an understanding of these concepts.
Algorithms Find Second Smallest and Second Largest Element in an array This article at OpenGenus.org explores both a brute-force approach and an optimized technique to find Second Smallest and Second Largest Element in an array, followed by real-world scenarios where such analysis proves valuable.
Algorithms Rendezvous hashing Rendezvous hashing was invented by David Thaler and Chinya Ravishankar at the University of Michigan in 1996.
Web Development Unveiling the Power of WebAssembly: A Beginner's Guide In the world of web development, a new revolutionary force is uprising and reshaping the way we build and execute web applications. Enter WebAssembly (WASM for short), a binary instruction format poised to elevate the performance and versatility of web applications.
Software Engineering The Integration of Security to DevOps DevOps is the combination of development and operations in software development. This includes all the tools, practices, and processes that combine software development and IT operations in a company.
Software Engineering AI and Machine Learning in Automated Cross Browser Testing The era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) isn’t just a story of the past; it is a boon for every industry and plays a pivotal role. Both AI and ML deliver immense capabilities that can drive innovation, enhance efficiency, improve decision-making, and give a competitive edge.
Software Engineering Hоw Dо Yоu Justify the Vаlue оf Sоftwаre Testing tо Clients? When it comes to software development, testing plays a vital role in ensuring that the final product meets the required quality standards. In software development, where codes and algorithms often appear as puzzles, it can be challenging to convey the significance of regression testing to clients.
Software Engineering How Can You Find the Best Online Platform for Software Testing Communities? If you're а software enthusiast or а budding test automation tester, you've probably experienced that time when you're seeking answers or simply want to connect with others who share your passion. This is where online communities for software testing come into play.
Deep Learning Adaptive Recommender Systems Adaptive recommender systems are intelligent algorithms designed to analyze user behavior, preferences, and interactions with a platform to deliver personalized recommendations.
Machine Learning (ML) Regression dilution In this article at OpenGenus, we will explore the concept of regression dilution, its implications in various real-world applications. We will discuss when it is crucial to correct for these errors and when it may be appropriate to skip correction.
Algorithms Solving Course Scheduling Problem using Topological Sort In this article at OpenGenus, we will solve the famous course scheduling problem and it's variations using the graph algorithm known as Topological Sort.
C++ How to Use Friend Classes in C++ to Access Private and Protected Members In this article at OpenGenus, we will be going over friend classes in C++, what they're used for, usage examples, difference between friendship and inheritance, and alternatives.