Django Django User Authentication In this article at OpenGenus, we shall demonstrate the username & password authentication by building a notes takings application based on django. This application will allow users to CRUD notes(only their notes), support markdown in notes, and encrypt their notes.
Django PDF Library application in Django [WebDev Project] In this article at OpenGenus, we have developed a Full-Stack Django application that allows users to download, read, and upload books.
Python PNG to JPEG Conversion Flask Web Application [Python] In this article, we have developed a Web Application using Python based web framework that is Flask that will provide an option to upload a PNG image file, convert it to JPEG format from server side and give option to download the converted JPEG file.
Python Prime Factorization Flask Application In this article, we have developed a Python based Web Application using Flask framework to find the prime factorization of any number. The number is provided by the user.
Python Different Python Web Frameworks In this article, we have present the different web frameworks available in Python Programming Language and explained the strength and weakness of each along with the use-cases. This will help you to judge which Python Web Framework to use in your project.
Python Python Command Line Countdown Timer In this article, we have developed Countdown timer as a command line tool in Python Programming Language. This is a good project for your portfolio.
Python Snake Game in Python In this article, we have developed Snake Game in Python Programming Language and developed the GUI for it as well. You shall follow this guide and develop your own version. This will be a strong addition to SDE Portfolio.
System Design Payment Gateway System Design In this article, we have explored the System Design of a scalable Payment Gateway such as PayPal and Stripe. We have presented functional, non-functional requirements, use case diagrams and much more.
C++ Reverse List in C++ STL [4 methods] In this article, we have explored 4 different ways to reverse a list in C++ Standard Template Library (STL). We have explored iterative and recursive approach using Two Pointer approach as well.
Linux Linux Package Management Package management entails installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing software. Besides the tasks above, package management tools also facilitate software dependency resolution.
Python Improve your Python code speed The impact might seem trivial for small programs but the impact becomes so evident when code complexity grows. In the receding paragraphs, I will point out ways to improve your python code.
Linux How Terminals display color? Terminals display color using escape sequences(ANSI escape codes for our case).If an escape character(\033) is receded by a byte in the range 0x40-0x5F, then the interpretation of the escape sequence is delegated to the C1 control code.
JavaScript Chrome Extensions Interview Questions In this article, we have presented Chrome Extensions Interview Questions along with detailed answers.
Python Memory allocation in Python In this article, we have covered Memory allocation in Python in depth along with types of allocated memory, memory issues, garbage collection and others.
Python Get IP Address in Python In this article, we have developed a Python script to get private, public IP address along with other details.
Software Engineering Snowflake Snowflake is a cloud computing based data warehousing company. It provides cloud based storage and analytics services as SaaS (Software as a Service).
Python Refresh URL / Tab Script in Python In this article, we present the approach to implement a Python script that can refresh an URL / Tab in the browser. Manually, this can be done by pressing F5 key.
Web Development How to Create Google Chrome Extension In this article, we have explained step by step How to Create Google Chrome Extension along with complete code.