Machine Learning (ML) BERT Large Model BERT large model is a pretrained model on English language which uses a Masked Language Modeling (MLM for short). It has 24 encoder layers.
Machine Learning (ML) Architecture of YOLOv3 We have presented the Architecture of YOLOv3 model along with the changes in YOLOv3 compared to YOLOv1 and YOLOv2, how YOLOv3 maintains its accuracy and much more.
Machine Learning (ML) Dilated Convolution [explained] Dilated convolution, is also known as Atrous Convolution or convolution with holes. The idea behind dilated convolution is to "inflate" the kernel which in turn skips some of the points. We can see the difference in the general formula and some visualization.
Machine Learning (ML) Separable convolution in Machine Learning In MobileNet architecture, you must have stumbled across the term "Separable convolution". What is separable convolution and how is it different from regular convolution? We have explained everything in this article.
Machine Learning (ML) One Shot Learning in ML In this article, we have explained the idea of One Shot Learning in Machine Learning (ML) and where and how it is used along with the limitation of One Shot Learning.
Machine Learning (ML) SqueezeNet Model [with Architecture] Squeezenet is a CNN architecture which has 50 times less parameters than AlexNet but still maintains AlexNet level accuracy. We also showcased the architecture of the model along with the implementation on the ImageNet dataset.
Algorithms Convert a binary tree into its mirror tree Given a binary tree, we have to write an algorithm to convert the binary tree to its mirror tree. A mirror tree is another binary tree with left and right children of all non-leaf nodes interchanged.
Algorithms Intersection point of two linked lists Given two linked lists, where the tail of the second list points to a node in the first list, find the node where both the lists intersect. We need to find the intersection point.
Problems on Binary Tree Level order traversal of a Binary Tree In this article, we have explored Level order traversal of a Binary Tree in depth using two approaches: recursive approach and queue.
Problems on Binary Tree Find ancestors of a given node in a binary tree (Recursive + Iterative) Understand how to find ancestors of a given node in a binary tree recursively and iteratively in linear time O(N).
Machine Learning (ML) Differentiating fake faces using simple ML and computer vision We have explored a technique to Differentiate fake faces using simple Machine Learning (ML) and computer vision. We have used Large-scale CelebFaces Attributes dataset.