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Toom Cook method for multiplication

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Multiplication of two n-digits integers has time complexity at worst O(n^2).Toom-Cook algorithm is an algorithm for multiplying two n digit numbers in Θ(c(k)n^e) time complexity , where e = log(2k − 1) / log(k), n^e is the time spent on sub-multiplications, and c is the time spent on additions and multiplication by small constants. In short, it is O(N1.46) time.

The idea is based on divide-and-conquer technique. Given two large integers, a and b, Toom–Cook splits up a and b into k smaller parts each of length l, and performs operations on the parts. As k grows, one may combine many of the multiplication sub-operations, thus reducing the overall complexity of the algorithm. The multiplication sub-operations can then be computed recursively using Toom–Cook multiplication again, and so on.

Toom-Cook 3-Way Multiplication


Toom cook algorithm is the advanced approach for splitting the numbers into parts. Toom cook n way reduces the product to 2*(n)-1 multiplications.Where n stands for 3.Let the operands considered are split into 3 pieces of equal length. The parts are written in terms of polynomials:

X(t) = (X2)t^2 + X1(t) + X0
Y(t) = (Y2)t^2 + Y1(t) + Y0

base B = b is choosen , such that the number of digits of both x and m in base B is at most k.Here,we take Base B = b^2 = 108.Then we will seperate x and y into base B digits x,y.These 2 equations are multiplied to form w(t)=x(t) * y(t).

W(t) = w4 ∗ t4 + w3 ∗ t3 + w2 ∗ t2 + w1 ∗ t + w0

The final w(t) is calculated through the value of t, although the final step is going to be the addition.X(t) and Y(t) are calculated and multiplied by choosing some set of points, forming w(t).Let the following points be (0,1,2,-1,inf)

  • t=0 x0 * y0
  • t=1 (x2+x1+x0) * (y2+y1+y0)
  • t=-1 (x2-x1+x0) * (y2-y1+y0)
  • t = 2(4 ∗ x2 + 2 ∗ x1 + x0) ∗ (4 ∗ y2 + 2 ∗ y1 + y0)
  • t=inf x2 * y2

Then, the value of those combinations is calculated through

  • W(0) = w0
  • W(1) = w4 + w3 + w2 + w1 + w0
  • W(-1) = w4 - w3 + w2 - w1 + w0
  • W(2) = 16 * w4 + 8 * w3 + 4 * w2 + 2 * w1 + w0
  • W(inf) = w4

Toom-3 running time is significally O(n^1.465).


1.Input : TwointegersAandBaregivenwhere0 < A, B, < Xn

2.Output : AB = c0 + c1x^k + c2^x2k + c3x^3k + c4^x4k whenk = n/(k = numberofsplits)

3.Here A = x0 + x1t + x2t^2, B = y0 + y1t + y2t^2 here t = X^k

  1. t=(0,1,2,-1,inf)

  2. t=0 x0 * y0, which gives w0 immediately

  3. t=1 (x2+x1+x0) * (y2+y1+y0)

  4. t=-1 (x2-x1+x0) * (y2-y1+y0)

Example of Toom Cook Multiplication

Consider 2 numbers 831275469 , 897512436.Both the numbers are split into 3 limbs each of length 3 digits written into polynomials.

P(x) = a2 * x^2 + a1 * x + a0(a2 = 831; a1 = 275; a0 = 469)
Q(x) = b2 * x^2 + b1 * x + b0(b2 = 897; b1 = 512; b0 = 436)

p(x) = 831x^2 + 275x + 469
q(x) = 897x^2 + 512x + 436

We write, p(x)q(x) = r(x).

(831x^2 +275x+469)(897x^2 +512x+436) 
= ax^4 +bx^3 +cx^2+dx+e= r(x)

Then we substitute the values of x for set of equations.Lets the set of points to be substituted be -2,-1,0,1,2.

  1. For x=0:
    p(0)q(0) = r(0).By solving this equation we get e = 204484.
  2. For x=1:
    p(1)q(1) = r(1).By solving this equation we get a+b+c+d+e = 2905875 ||eqation 1.
  3. For x=-1:
    p(-1)q(-1) = r(-1).By solving this equation we get a-b+c-d+e = 841525 ||equation 2.
  4. For x=2:
    p(2)q(2) = r(2).By solving this equation we get 16a+8b+4c+2d+e= 21923464 ||equation 3.
  5. For x=-2:
    p(-2)q(-2) = r(-2).By solving this equation we get 16a-8b+4c-2d+e= 1027116 ||equation 4.

The equations we got by those points are:

  • e = 204484
  • a+ b+ c+ d+e = 2905875
  • a-b+ c- d+e = 841525
  • 16a+8b+4c+2d+e = 21923464
  • 16a-8b+4c-2d+e = 1027116

By solving the above equation we get
a = 382828 , c = -1286387 , b = 1397304 , d = -365129 , e=204484.
The Final product is obtained by adding the numbers by shifting,The result is:38296772326152333484


We see that the k-way split requires 2 k - 1 multiplications.This means that instead of k2 multiplications we do only 2 k - 1.The recurrence equation for the total number of multiplication is given by:T(n) = (2 k - 1)T(n/k) + O(n).

  • Time Complexity of Toom–Cook multiplication will be:
T(n) = (2 k - 1)^logk(n) = n logk (2 k-1)


    #Toom-Cook 3-Way Multiplication
    #include <cstdlib>   // for rand()
    #include <iostream>  // for cout
    #include <math.h>    // for pow()
    #include <stdio.h>   // for printf()
    //#define TEST      
    #define D_MAX 729  
    #define D     729  
    using namespace std;
    class Calc
        int A[D];  
        int B[D];  
    #ifdef TEST
        int cnt_mul;       
        clock_t t1, t2;    
        double tt;         
            void calcToomCook();                                
            void multiplyNormal(int *, int *, int, int *);      
            void multiplyToomCook3(int *, int *, int , int *);  
            void doCarry(int *, int);                           
            void display(int *, int *, int *);          
         int i;  
        for (i = 0; i < D; i++) 
            A[i] = rand() % 10;
            B[i] = rand() % 10;
    void Calc::calcToomCook()
        int a[D_MAX];       
        int b[D_MAX];       
        int z[D_MAX * 2];  
        int i;              
    #ifdef TEST
        t1 = clock();  
        for (int l = 0; l < 1000; l++) {
            cnt_mul = 0;  
            for (i = 0; i < D; i++)
            a[i] = A[i];
            b[i] = B[i];
            for (i = D; i < D_MAX; i++)
            a[i] = 0;
            b[i] = 0;
        multiplyToomCook3(a, b, D_MAX, z);
        doCarry(z, D_MAX * 2);
    #ifdef TEST
        t2 = clock();  
        tt = (double)(t2 - t1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; 
    display(a, b, z);
     * Multiplication Standard
    void Calc::multiplyNormal(int *a, int *b, int tLen, int *z)
        int i, j;  
       for(i = 0; i < tLen * 2; i++) z[i] = 0;
       for (j = 0; j < tLen; j++) {
            for (i = 0; i < tLen; i++) {
                z[j + i] += a[i] * b[j];
    #ifdef TEST
    void Calc::multiplyToomCook3(int *a, int *b, int tLen, int *z)
        int *a0 = &a[0];                // Multiplicand / right side array pointer
        int *a1 = &a[tLen / 3];         // Multiplicand / central array pointer
        int *a2 = &a[tLen * 2/ 3];      // Multiplicand / left side array pointer
        int *b0 = &b[0];                // Multiplier / right side array pointer
        int *b1 = &b[tLen / 3];         // Multiplier / central array pointer
        int *b2 = &b[tLen * 2/ 3];      // Multiplier / left side array pointer
        int *c0 = &z[(tLen / 3) *  0];  // c0     
        int *c2 = &z[(tLen / 3) *  2];  // c2     
        int *c4 = &z[(tLen / 3) *  4];  // c4    
        int c1      [(tLen / 3) * 2];   // c1    
        int c3      [(tLen / 3) * 2];   // c3     
        int a_m2    [tLen / 3];         // a( -2) 
        int a_m1    [tLen / 3];         // a( -1) 
        int a_0     [tLen / 3];         // a(  0) 
        int a_1     [tLen / 3];         // a(  1) 
        int a_inf   [tLen / 3];         // a(inf) 
        int b_m2    [tLen / 3];         // b( -2) 
        int b_m1    [tLen / 3];         // b( -1) 
        int b_0     [tLen / 3];         // b(  0) 
        int b_1     [tLen / 3];         // b(  1)
        int b_inf   [tLen / 3];         // b(inf) 
        int c_m2    [(tLen / 3) * 2];   // c( -2)
        int c_m1    [(tLen / 3) * 2];   // c( -1)
        int c_0     [(tLen / 3) * 2];   // c(  0) 
        int c_1     [(tLen / 3) * 2];   // c(  1) 
        int c_inf   [(tLen / 3) * 2];   // c(inf) 
        int i;                          
        if (tLen <= 9) 
            multiplyNormal(a, b, tLen, z);
        // ==== a(-2) = 4 * a2 - 2 * a1 + a0, b(1) = 4 * b2 - 2 * b1 + b0
        for(i = 0; i < tLen / 3; i++)
            a_m2[i] = (a2[i] << 2) - (a1[i] << 1) + a0[i];
            b_m2[i] = (b2[i] << 2) - (b1[i] << 1) + b0[i];
        // ==== a(-1) = a2 - a1 + a0, b(1) = b2 - b1 + b0
        for(i = 0; i < tLen / 3; i++) 
            a_m1[i] = a2[i] - a1[i] + a0[i];
            b_m1[i] = b2[i] - b1[i] + b0[i];
        // ==== a(0) = a0, b(0) = b0
        for(i = 0; i < tLen / 3; i++) {
            a_0[i] = a0[i];
            b_0[i] = b0[i];
        // ==== a(1) = a2 + a1 + a0, b(1) = b2 + b1 + b0
        for(i = 0; i < tLen / 3; i++) {
            a_1[i] = a2[i] + a1[i] + a0[i];
            b_1[i] = b2[i] + b1[i] + b0[i];
        // ==== a(inf) = a2, b(inf) = b2
        for(i = 0; i < tLen / 3; i++) {
            a_inf[i] = a2[i];
            b_inf[i] = b2[i];
        // ==== c(-2) = a(-2) * b(-2)
        multiplyToomCook3(a_m2,  b_m2,  tLen / 3, c_m2 );
        // ==== c(-1) = a(-1) * b(-1)
        multiplyToomCook3(a_m1,  b_m1,  tLen / 3, c_m1 );
        // ==== c(0) = a(0) * b(0)
        multiplyToomCook3(a_0,   b_0,   tLen / 3, c_0  );
        // ==== c(1) = a(1) * b(1)
        multiplyToomCook3(a_1,   b_1,   tLen / 3, c_1  );
        // ==== c(inf) = a(inf) * b(inf)
        multiplyToomCook3(a_inf, b_inf, tLen / 3, c_inf);
        // ==== c4 = 6 * c(inf) / 6
        for(i = 0; i < (tLen / 3) * 2; i++)
            c4[i] = c_inf[i];
            // ==== c3 = -c(-2) + 3 * c(-1) - 3 * c(0) + c(1) + 12 * c(inf) / 6
        for(i = 0; i < (tLen / 3) * 2; i++)
            c3[i]  = -c_m2[i];
            c3[i] += (c_m1[i] << 1) + c_m1[i];
            c3[i] -= (c_0[i] << 1) + c_0[i];
            c3[i] += c_1[i];
            c3[i] += (c_inf[i] << 3) + (c_inf[i] << 2);
            c3[i] /= 6;
        // ==== c2 = 3 * c(-1) - 6 * c(0) + 3 * c(1) - 6 * c(inf) / 6
        for(i = 0; i < (tLen / 3) * 2; i++) {
            c2[i]  = (c_m1[i] << 1) + c_m1[i];
            c2[i] -= (c_0[i] << 2) + (c_0[i] << 1);
            c2[i] += (c_1[i] << 1) + c_1[i];
            c2[i] -= (c_inf[i] << 2) + (c_inf[i] << 1);
            c2[i] /= 6;
        // ==== c1 = c(-2) - 6 * c(-1) + 3 * c(0) + 2 * c(1) - 12 * c(inf) / 6
        for(i = 0; i < (tLen / 3) * 2; i++) {
            c1[i]  = c_m2[i];
            c1[i] -= (c_m1[i] << 2) + (c_m1[i] << 1);
            c1[i] += (c_0[i] << 1) + c_0[i];
            c1[i] += (c_1[i] << 1);
            c1[i] -= (c_inf[i] << 3) + (c_inf[i] << 2);
            c1[i] /= 6;
        // ==== c0 = 6 * c(0) / 6
        for(i = 0; i < (tLen / 3) * 2; i++)
            c0[i] = c_0[i];
        // ==== z = c4 * x^4 + c3 * x^3 + c2 * x^2 + c1 * x + c0
        for(i = 0; i < (tLen / 3) * 2; i++) z[i + tLen / 3] += c1[i];
        for(i = 0; i < (tLen / 3) * 2; i++) z[i + (tLen / 3) * 3] += c3[i];
    void Calc::doCarry(int *a, int tLen) {
        int cr;  
        int i;   
        cr = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < tLen; i++) {
            a[i] += cr;
            if(a[i] < 0) {
                cr = -(-(a[i] + 1) / 10 + 1);
            } else {
                cr = a[i] / 10;
            a[i] -= cr * 10;
        // Overflow
        if (cr != 0) printf("[ OVERFLOW!! ] %d\n", cr);
     * Result output
    void Calc::display(int *a, int *b, int *z)
        int i; 
        int aLen = D_MAX, bLen = D_MAX, zLen = D_MAX * 2;
        while (a[aLen - 1] == 0) if (a[aLen - 1] == 0) aLen--;
        while (b[bLen - 1] == 0) if (b[bLen - 1] == 0) bLen--;
        while (z[zLen - 1] == 0) if (z[zLen - 1] == 0) zLen--;
        // a 
        printf("a =\n");
        for (i = aLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            printf("%d", a[i]);
            if ((aLen - i) % 10 == 0) printf(" ");
            if ((aLen - i) % 50 == 0) printf("\n");
        // b 
        printf("b =\n");
        for (i = bLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            printf("%d", b[i]);
            if ((bLen - i) % 10 == 0) printf(" ");
            if ((bLen - i) % 50 == 0) printf("\n");
        // z 
        printf("z =\n");
        for (i = zLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            printf("%d", z[i]);
            if ((zLen - i) % 10 == 0) printf(" ");
            if ((zLen - i) % 50 == 0) printf("\n");
    #ifdef TEST
        printf("Counts of multiply / 1 loop = %d\n", cnt_mul);     // Multiplication count
        printf("Total time of all loops     = %f seconds\n", tt);  // processing time
    int main()
            Calc objCalc;
        catch (...) {
            cout << "Exception occurred!" << endl;
            return -1;
        return 0;


There are various areas where this algorithm application is done, which involves multiplication of large integers.

  1. This method is used in McEliece Cryptosystems to overcome the drawbacks in terms of size of the encrypted key and transmission rate.

  2. Big Number arithmetic.

  3. In Cryptographic algorithms especially for reducing the complexity in encoding and decoding of the keys like ElGamal, RSA, Elliptical Curvecryptosystems,and Diffie Hellman key exchange protocol.

  4. Calculation of mathematical constants like Pi, e etc.

With this, you will have the complete idea of Toom Cook Multiplication.

Kyatham Srikanth

Kyatham Srikanth

Software Developer at Optum | Summer Research Intern at Central Institute Of Mining & Fuel Research (2017) and OpenGenus (2018) | B. Tech (2019) at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT BHU), Varanasi

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