Time Complexity Time & Space Complexity of Selection Sort In this article, you will learn about Time Complexity and Space Complexity of Selection Sort algorithm along with the complete mathematical analysis of the different cases.
Data Structures Applications of Binary Tree Binary Tree is the most used Tree Data Structure and is used in real life Software systems. We have listed applications of Binary Tree and its variants.
Algorithms Monotonic Queue (with Daily Temperatures & Largest Rectangle in Histogram) Monotonic queue is a data structure where the data is entirely in non-decreasing order or entirely in non-increasing order. It is generally used for optimizing dynamic programming techniques.
Algorithms Succinct (0-1) Encoding of Binary Tree Succinct (0-1) Encoding of Binary Tree is an approach to encode a Binary Tree to the lowest possible space and maintain the structural information.
Algorithms LCA in Binary Tree using Euler tour and Range Minimum Query In this problem, we will find the Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree using Euler tour and Range Minimum Query. We can solve the LCA problem by reducing it to a RMQ problem.
Algorithms Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree In binary trees, for given two nodes a and b, the lowest common ancestor is the node of which both a and b are descendants. We explored the algorithm to find Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree.
Culture Bram Moolenaar: Man behind VIM has several failed projects Bram Moolenaar is an iconic Software Programmer from Netherlands who developed VIM editor, the alternative to VI editor on UNIX systems. He is the most prominent Open Source Software Developer from Netherlands.
Culture Riku Kawasaki Riku Kawasaki is a Competitive Programmer from Japan and is notable from reaching the World Rank 2 on CodeForces (as on March 2021) and being an Algorithmic Finalist at Topcoder Open 2019.
Machine Learning (ML) How a ML Dataset is designed? In this article, we have explored How a (Machine Learning) ML Dataset is designed? with the example of the PASCAL dataset (Pascal-1 Visual Object Classes (VOC)) and how it evolved over the years and how the initial dataset was prepared.
Algorithms Assembly Line Scheduling using Dynamic Programming The main goal of solving the Assembly Line Scheduling problem is to determine which stations to choose from line 1 and which to choose from line 2 in order to minimize assembly time. We solve this using Dynamic Programming.
Algorithms Commonly asked interview questions on sorting algorithms. Power booster for your interview preparation! In this article, we have presented several multiple choice questions (MCQs) on Sorting Algorithms for coding interviews with answers. This will help you get prepared.
Algorithms Dice Throw Problem (Dynamic Programming) There are d dice each having f faces. We need to find the number of ways in which we can get sum s from the faces when the dice are rolled. We have explored a Dynamic Programming solution to Dice Throw problem.
Problems on Binary Tree Convert Binary Tree to Threaded Binary Tree We will focus on different approaches on how to convert a normal binary tree into a threaded binary tree. We will convert our binary tree to single threaded binary tree with right pointers pointing to inorder successor (if it exists).
Algorithms Maximum Sum Decreasing Subsequence (Dynamic Programming) Given an array of n positive integers, find the sum of the maximum sum decreasing subsequence (msds) of the given array such that the integers in the subsequence are sorted in decreasing order.
Culture Will you hire Donald Knuth as a programmer? A manager said Donald Knuth is too theoretical and he would not hire him to lead his team or as a programmer. Donald is widely respected for his theoretical contributions and have been recognized with awards. We will show that Donald is practically strong as a programmer as well.
Culture The man who refused $1M for his discovery (Why?) (Grigori Perelman) Grigori Perelman is a Russian Mathematician who who refused $1M and the equivalent of Nobel Prize (Fields Medal) for his proof to one of the most difficult problems in Mathematics.
Algorithms Algorithm to check if a linked list is sorted In this article, we have explored an algorithm to check if a given Linked List is sorted or not in linear time O(N). It takes constant space O(1).
Algorithms Check if Linked List is Empty Checking if the given Linked List is empty depends on the ways Linked List has been formed (with or without root). We have covered both approaches.
Data Structures Probabilistic Data Structures This is a general overview of probabilistic data structures (with examples of data structures over 5 different categories).
Software Engineering Tough Interview questions on C Programming These are some of the most tough Interview questions on C Programming which tests your knowledge on how well you know the language. Even if you are not a master of C, you must try it once.
Contribute and grow 🌱 with Hacktoberfest 2020 Hacktoberfest is a month long virtual event where you can make four contributions towards your favorite Open Source project (such as Cosmos by OpenGenus). You will not only get to learn new things but also get free goodies delivered to you at your doorstep.
Data Structures List of Advanced Data Structures This article has the list of 100+ Advanced Data Structures that you must understand to prepare to solve advanced problems and compete in competitions like ICPC, Google Code Jam, Facebook Hacker Cup and many more.
Machine Learning (ML) Capsule neural networks or CapsNet Capsule neural networks or CapsNet is an artificial neural network which consists of capsules(bunch of neurons) which allow us to confirm if entities(components) are present in the image. We will cover Capsule Networks in depth.
Data Structures Must read research papers on Data Structures We presented research papers on Data Structures that are a must read for everyone. These come from authors like Raimund Seidel, Knuth, Rubinchik and others
Algorithms Must read research papers on Algorithms We presented some of the must read research papers in the field of Algorithms. The papers come from authors like C. A. R. Hoare, D. E. Knuth, V. Strassen and many others.