Technology Company - Careers Job Levels at Infosys In this article at OpenGenus, we have listed the different job levels and grades at Infosys (technical, consultant and delivery ladder) along with the average experience and salary range. Use this information to plan your career growth.
Machine Learning (ML) Identify creditworthy borrowers [ML project] This article developed during my internship at OpenGenus, we will delve into the key components of credit scoring, including the significance of feature selection, data preprocessing, and model evaluation.
Machine Learning (ML) Machine Learning for Robotics This article at OpenGenus aims to shed light on the various applications of Machine Learning in Robotics and some of the fundamental ML concepts used in AI Robots.
Algorithms Range greatest common divisor (GCD) query using Sparse table In this article at OpenGenus, we will be discussing one of the common problem in computer science that involves finding the GCD of a given range of numbers in an array. One of the efficient solution is to use sparse table data structure to solve this problem.
Machine Learning (ML) Multi-output learning and Multi-output CNN models In this article at OpenGenus, we have explored the part of Deep Learning where a model is trained to produce multi-outputs (more than 1) in contrast to standard Deep Learning models like ResNet50 for Image Recognition.
Algorithms Minimum cost to connect all points (using MST) In this article, we will understand how to solve the minimum cost to connect all the points problem using Minimum Spanning Tree.
C++ Bubble Sort in C++ using OOP and template In this article, we will take a look at the implementation of Bubble Sort in C++ using the concepts of OOP and template.
Java Implement Doubly Linked List in Java In this article, we have explored the design of Doubly Linked List and implemented it in Java Programming Language using the concepts of Object Oriented Programming.
Data Structures B Tree in C++ with OOP and template B-trees are frequently implemented in C++ as templates, allowing for flexible customization for various data and application types. The balanced tree structure of the B-tree data structure makes it ideal for efficient data searching, insertion, and deletion.
backtracking Shortest path in a Maze using Backtracking In this article, we have covered the topic on finding the Shortest path in a Maze using Backtracking. We have presented the Time and Space Complexity for various cases.
Machine Learning (ML) Gibbs Sampling Gibbs Sampling is a statistical method for obtaining a sequence of samples from a multivariate probability distribution.
segment tree Booking Concert Tickets in Groups [using BIT and Segment Tree] In this article, we have solved the problem of Booking Concert Tickets in Groups. This involve the concept of Binary Indexed Tree and Segment Tree.
System Design System Design of Movie Ticket Booking System In this article, we will take a look at the key features a movie ticket booking system needs to offer, its high-level, low-level design, database design, and some of the already existing library management software.
Algorithms Schedule Events in Calendar Problem [Segment Tree] In this article, we will discuss the My Calendar 1 problem where we need to schedule events in a calendar such that there is no conflict. This will involve the concept of Segment Tree.
Algorithms Minimum Deletions to Make Array Divisible [3 Solutions] In this article, we will explore how we can get the minimum number of deletion of smallest element such that the smallest element in the first array divides all the elements in the second array. This will involve the concept of Min Heap and Hash Map.
System Design Database mirroring and log shipping Today, we are going to discover or learn more about how a SQL database can be safely backed up. What is database mirroring? What is Log shipping? Are they different?
Deep Learning Pancreas Segmentation using Attention U-Net [with code] In this article, we are going to walk through a smart way to reduce the computation power needed for an biomedical image analysis which is attention and its use in computer vision tasks. We solve the problem of Pancreas Segmentation using Attention U-Net and implement it in Python using TensorFlow.
Deep Learning DetectGPT Model: Detect text generated by GPT3 In this article, we'll be discussing DetectGPT, a natural language processing model that's been developed to detect whether a given text was generated by machine or written by a human.
trie Lexicographic sorting using Trie Lexicographic sorting is a way of sorting a set of strings based on their alphabetical order We can also say that the order in which those words appear in a dictionary.
C Programming "Master C Programming with Practical Projects" book "Master C Programming with Practical Projects" is a book on C Programming Language that focus on practical implementation skills and walks through multiple C projects with complete codebase.
Algorithms Sliding Window Technique [Explained] In this article, we will discuss about the sliding window technique and how it is useful while solving problems.
Algorithms Generating IP Addresses [Backtracking String problem] In this article, we will explore a common problem of restoring IP addresses from a given string of digits. For example, given the string "25525511135", the valid IP addresses that can be generated are "" and "".
Python Maze game in Python In this article, we build a maze game step by step using the Pygame module, conditionals, loops and functions, then we implement random maze generation using depth first search (DFS) algorithm.
Algorithms Maximum Gap [Solved] In this article, we are going to see the interesting solution to the problem - "Maximum Gap". This will involve the concept of Bucket Sort and Radix Sort.
Deep Learning Biomedical Image Segmentation In the Biomedical field segmented images can be used for anomaly detection, diagnosing diseases, computer-integrated surgery, treatment planning, studying anatomical structures, and much more.