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Merge Sort a singly Linked List

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Merge sort is a fast comparison based sorting algorithm which can be utilized in sorting a Linked List as well. Merge Sort is preferred for sorting a linked list. The slow random-access performance of a linked list makes some other algorithms such as Quick Sort perform poorly, and others such as Heap Sort completely impossible.


The algorithm is same as that of Merge Sort will implementation changes to accomodate the structure of Linked List.

merge sort a linked list



STEP 1: If head is NULL or there is only one element in the Linked List 
    then return the Linked List
STEP 2: Divide the linked list into two equal halves.  
      Split_Linked_List(head, &first_half, &second_half);
STEP 3: Sort the two halves first_half and second_half.
STEP 4: Merge the sorted first_half and second_half (using Merge_Sort() recursively) 
   and update the head pointer using head_reference.
     *head_reference = Merge_Sort(first_half, second_half);


  • Worst case time complexity: Θ(N log N)
  • Average case time complexity: Θ(N log N)
  • Best case time complexity: Θ(N log N)
  • Space complexity: Θ(1)


Implementation of applying Merge Sort on a Linked List is as follows:

  • C
  • Java


struct Node
      int data;
      struct Node* next;
struct Node* SortedMerge(struct Node* a, struct Node* b);
void FrontBackSplit(struct Node* source, struct Node** frontRef, struct Node** backRef);
void MergeSort(struct Node** headRef)
    struct Node* head = *headRef;
    struct Node* a;
    struct Node* b;
    if ((head == NULL) || (head->next == NULL))
    FrontBackSplit(head, &a, &b); 
    *headRef = SortedMerge(a, b);
struct Node* SortedMerge(struct Node* a, struct Node* b)
    struct Node* result = NULL;
    if (a == NULL)
    else if (b==NULL)
     if (a->data <= b->data)
        result = a;
        result->next = SortedMerge(a->next, b);
        result = b;
        result->next = SortedMerge(a, b->next);
void FrontBackSplit(struct Node* source, struct Node** frontRef, struct Node** backRef)
    struct Node* fast;
    struct Node* slow;
    slow = source;
    fast = source->next;
    while (fast != NULL)
        fast = fast->next;
        if (fast != NULL)
            slow = slow->next;
            fast = fast->next;
    * frontRef = source;
    * backRef = slow->next;
    slow->next = NULL;
void push(struct Node** head_ref, int new_data)
    struct Node* new_node = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
    new_node->data = new_data;
    new_node->next = (*head_ref);  
    (*head_ref) = new_node;
int main()
    struct Node* res = NULL;
    struct Node* a = NULL;
    push(&a, 3);
    push(&a, 1);
    push(&a, 2);
    return 0;



What is the time complexity of this algorithm if Linked List is already sorted?

O(N log N)
O(log N)
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Merge Sort a singly Linked List
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