C++ Dynamic and Static dispatch in C++ A dispatch mechanism determines which function gets executed when called upon by an object. In this OpenGenus article, we will explore each of these mechanisms along their approach to overloading and polymorphism.
Algorithms DAILY43: Algorithmic Problems for Coding Interviews: Easy level, C++ edition This book "DAILY43: Algorithmic Problems for Coding Interviews, Easy level, C++ edition" is the book you need to master Algorithm and Data Structure problems for Coding Interviews.
C++ Adding Numbers with Linked Lists in C++ In this article at OpenGenus, we will add numbers stored in a linked list data structure and implement it in C++ Programming Language.
C++ Boost Program Options Boost.Program_options is a C++ library designed to ease the handling of command-line options in programs. It offers a straightforward way to parse and manage arguments provided by users when running the program.
C++ Creating UPD Asynchronous Client Server in C++ using Boost.Asio A UDP (User Datagram Protocol) connection is a lightweight, connectionless communication protocol that operates without establishing a direct connection between sender and receiver.
C++ Creating TCP Asynchronous Client Server in C++ using Boost.Asio The flow of this OpenGenus article will first explain TCP connection , then make a simple client server which will be using Boost.Asio but synchronous to understand the flow.
C++ Basics of C++ Boost.ASIO Boost.Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous model using a modern C++ approach.
C++ Smart pointers in C++ Smart pointers are essential tools in modern C++ programming for managing memory and resources effectively.
C++ nth_element in C++ STL nth_element is a function in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) that allows you to partially sort a range of elements in a container, such that the element at the nth position is the one that would be at that position if the entire range was sorted.
C++ Queue::emplace in C++ STL In this article at OpenGenus.org, we will discuss emplace method of Queue container in C++ STL.
Algorithms Modular Multiplication in C++ Modular arithmetic is a branch of number theory that deals with operations on numbers that have a remainder when divided by a modulus. In C++, performing modular arithmetic involves using the % (modulo) operator and sometimes ensuring that the result remains within a specified range.
C++ Different Ways to Delete Elements in Unordered Map in C++ STL In this OpenGenus article, we will look at the various ways of deleting elements in an unordered map in C++.
C++ Vector of array in C++ The vector of arrays in C++ is an excellent tool for efficiently managing fixed-size arrays within a vector. This approach is particularly advantageous for organizing grouped data where each array shares a uniform size.
C++ How to Use Friend Classes in C++ to Access Private and Protected Members In this article at OpenGenus, we will be going over friend classes in C++, what they're used for, usage examples, difference between friendship and inheritance, and alternatives.
C++ Lazy initialization in C++ Lazy initialization is a technique where the creation of an object is deferred until it is actually needed. This can improve performance by avoiding the creation of objects that are never used.
C++ Bank Management System in C++ [Project with source code] In this article at OpenGenus, we will cover how to create a bank management system in C++ programming language. A bank management system can be used to manage a bank account, withdraw and deposit funds, and check the account balance.
Software Engineering Adapter Design Pattern In this article at OpenGenus, we show two ways to implement the Adapter design pattern.
C++ 50 Interview questions on C++ Struct In this article at OpenGenus, we have presented 50 interview questions based on struct (Structure) in C++ and C Programming Language. Each question is provided with the answer and detailed explanation.
C++ Min / Max Heap in C++ using STL In this article at OpenGenus, we are going to study and explore Min / Max Heap in C++ using STL. We will see their definition, usage and how we are going to apply them to solve various complex problems in C++ language.
C++ Floyd Warshall Algorithm in C++ Floyd Warshall Algorithm is one of the famous graph algorithm for finding shortest path between a node to every other node. In this article at OpenGenus, we have implemented Floyd Warshall Algorithm in C++ programming language.
C++ Spell Checker Console Application in C++ [Project] In this article at OpenGenus, we will cover how to create a spell checker application using C++ programming language.
C++ Heap in C++ using OOP and Template In this article at OpenGenus, we will explore how to implement the heap data structure in C++ using principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) and templates.
C++ Multilevel inheritance in C++ Multilevel inheritance is a form of inheritance where a base or child class has multiple parent classes and can be extended to any level.
C++ Hash Map in C++ using OOP and Template In this article at OpenGenus, we will review the fundamental concepts of a hash map, how to implement them in C++ using OOP concepts and Template, and useful applications.
C++ Hangman Game in C++ In this article at OpenGenus, we will cover how to create a console hangman game in C++ programming language. Hangman is a popular word-guessing game that involves one player picking a random word, providing the number of letters in that word.