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NNVM compiler is a graph compiler for the TVM Stack that takes in models in NNVM Intermediate Representation format and compiles them for various backends such as LLVM, METAL, CUDA and others.
Install/ Build NNVM
- Step 1: Clone the source
git clone --recursive https://github.com/dmlc/nnvm.git
cd nnvm
- Step 2: Build NNVM
make -j4
- Step 3: Build the Python Library
cd python
python setup.py install --user
cd ..
Build Graph to Runtime Library
Using NNVM Compiler, you can build the model graph in NNVM Intermediate Representation to a runtime library.
# Compile Model on NNVM compiler
import nnvm.compiler
target = 'llvm'
input_name = sym.list_input_names()[0]
shape_dict = {input_name: x.shape}
with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=3,
add_pass=['AlterOpLayout', 'FoldScaleAxis', 'OpFusion',
'PrecomputePrune', 'SimplifyInference']):
graph, lib, params = nnvm.compiler.build(graph = sym,
target_host = 'llvm', target = target,
shape = shape_dict,
dtype={"int64": "int64", "float32": "float32"},
params = params, layout = "NCHW")
Details/ Configurations
NNVM Compiler supports the following targets:
- OpenCL
NNVM Compiler has four optimization levels:
- 0
- 1
- 2 (default optimization level)
- 3
NNVM Compiler has several pass optimizations that you may apply such as:
- AlterOpLayout
- FoldScaleAxis
- OpFusion
- PrecomputePrune
- SimplifyInference
NNVM Compiler takes the model as two inputs:
- Graph in NNVM Intermediate Representation
- Params: parameters of the graph such as weights and bias
NNVM Compiler gives three outputs which we can save for later use and run:
- graph: Compiler NNVM Graph
- lib: defines the target environment such as LLVM
- params: parameters of the compiler NNVM Graph such as weights and bias