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Paraphrasing in NLP

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According to Oxford Dictionary, "to paraphrase" means to express something that somebody has written or said using different words, especially in order to make it easier to understand.

For example, the phrase

"He went to college and received his bachelor's degree in three years."

can also be represented as

"In three years of college, he earned his bachelor's degree."

This phenomenon is called paraphrasing, wherein the composition of a sentence is changed while keeping it's essence intact.

Paraphrasing may be done at several levels, including word-level, phrase-level, and sentence-level.

  • Paraphrasing at the word level entails replacing one term with a synonym.

  • Paraphrasing at the phrase level entails rearranging or replacing a group of words with a new collection of words that express the same meaning.

  • Paraphrasing at the sentence level entails rewriting the entire sentence while retaining its original meaning.

In the context of Natural Language Processing, paraphrasing can have multiple use cases, including but not limited to-

  • Optimization of Storage Space - Paraphrasing can be used to convert long and complex sentences into shorter, more concise phrases while retaining the essence of the data. This can be used to reduce the needed storage space for each sentence in the memory.
  • Text Summarization - Paraphrasing may be used to provide summaries of long texts.

For this article, our aim would be to analyze different paraphrasing algorithms and their implementation in Python.

Paraphrasing Algorithms

There are two main approaches when it comes to to paraphrasing in NLP


The former uses semantic rules and linguistic patterns to generate candidate paraphrases, compared to the latter which employs Machine Learning techniques to learn paraphrasing from large datasets. A third hybrid method also exists where rule-based and data-driven methods work hand in hand to achieve better performance in paraphrasing.

Before we dive deeper into them, we'll first have a look at a naive algorithm for paraphrasing for the sake of understanding.

Naive Approach

Define an empty list named parahrased_words
Generate individual words from the sentence.
For Each Word in the sentence, repeat:
    Apply a set of rules to the word to generate candidate paraphrases and, select the best candidate paraphrase based on some scoring  criteria, such  as word overlap or semantic similarity. Append the best candidate paraphrase to the list defined.
Once all the words have been exhausted, generate the paraphrased sentence from the list and return it as the result.


import nltk
from nltk.corpus import wordnet #rule base

def paraphrase_sentence(sentence):
    words = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)
    new_words = []
    for word in words:
        syns = wordnet.synsets(word)
        if syns:
            new_word = syns[0].lemmas()[0].name()
            if new_word != word:
    return ' '.join(new_words)

Here, wordnet serves as the base from where the rules to be applied to words are obtained. The sentence is passed to the defined function which generates words from it and then the rules are used to generate candidate paraphrases as is applicable. The most optimal candidate paraphrase is then appended to the new_word list, defined prior to looping. The final product is the contents of the new_word list, separated by a single space.

This naive approach is basically a very simplistic example of a rule-based approach wherein the generation of candidate paraphrases are dependent on rules. However it falls short when compared to certain rule based approaches, as it does not account for the context and syntax, which may lead to incorrect outputs. However, this method can provide a simple understanding of what goes on under the hood in rule based algorithms.

Rule based Algorithms

In rule based methods, there are multiple approaches, one being replacement of words in a sentence with a synonym that has a similar meaning. For example, the sentence "The dog slept on the mat" can be paraphrased as *"The canine dozed off on the rug" * by replacing dog" with "canine", "slept" with "dozed off" and "mat" with "rug". This is called synonym replacement and this was illustrated in the naive approach.

The other approach is implementation through paraphrase templates. Here, we specify a set of transformation rules or templates which are then applied to a given sentence to generate paraphrases. It can be implemented in the follwing manner.

import re

# Define a set of paraphrase templates as regular expressions
templates = [
    (re.compile(r'\b(\w+) is (?:very )?(\w+)\b', re.IGNORECASE), '\\1 is extremely \\2'),
    (re.compile(r'\b(\w+) (\w+) (\w+)\b', re.IGNORECASE), '\\3 \\2 \\1'),
    (re.compile(r'\b(the|a) (\w+) of (\w+)\b', re.IGNORECASE), '\\1 \\2 from \\3')

def paraphrase_with_templates(sentence):
    for pattern, replacement in templates:
        sentence = pattern.sub(replacement, sentence)
    return sentence

One drawback of this method is that there is no cap on the maximum number of rules needed so that it is able to cater to every sentence possible. Hence, this method is not scalable and therefore, not suitable for real world implementation.

Data Driven Approaches

In this approach, we use machine learning models which have been trained on a large corpus of text data to generate paraphrases. For the purpose of this article, we won't be training a model from scratch, but shall be using a pre-trained model to generate outputs.

We shall use the PARROT library for this purpose.

The PARROT library is a Python package for text paraphrasing that may be used for multiple NLP applications, including but not limited to text augmentation and data synthesis.It employs a pre-trained neural network that creates paraphrases of the input text, by utilising the capabilities of sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) models.

It allows a variety of text inputs, including phrases, paragraphs, and full documents. The degree of paraphrasing can be modified by the user through the parameters passed.

To get started, we'll have to install this library. For this, we can open an instance of the command line with administrator privileges & run the following command-

python -m pip install git+https://github.com/PrithivirajDamodaran/Parrot.git

Now we shall open up a python file and begin writing the code.

We'll first import the Parrot module from the library. After that, we instantiate the model on the local system by downloading the pre-trained model using the parameters specified. It may take some time depending on the speed of the internet connection as the files are quite large in size.

After that, all that is left to be done is to tokenize the sentence whose paraphrases are needed and use the model to generate the same. The code is as follows.

from parrot import Parrot
import warnings

parrot = Parrot(model_tag="prithivida/parrot_paraphraser_on_T5", use_gpu=False)

phrases = ["The dog was so excited that his tail coulsn't stop wagging, and it irritated the cat as it was being hit in the face with the said tail."]

for phrase in phrases:
  print("Input_phrase: ", phrase)
  para_phrases = parrot.augment(input_phrase=phrase)
  for para_phrase in para_phrases:



Comparing this to the previous approach, it is needless to say that data driven approaches like this provide better output(s) than certain rule based methods. However, as is with many data driven approaches, there is a lack of explainabillity since they rely on ML models which can be difficult to understand. If the models are built from scratch, there is also the risk of running into bias which can cause misleading results.

Let's have a look at a few questions.

Questions to consider

Q1)Why do the properly implemented methods show more accuracy than?

Context not taken into account.
Inaccurate results, Large no. of rules needed
Both may occur
While creating a rule based classifier from scratch, the results may not be satisfactory due to less number of rules specified. Moreover, the context of the text is often not taken into consideration. Hence, both are issues which my occur.

Q2)What are the issues that can occur while using a data driven paraphraser?

Opaque model, explainabillity issues
Bias and Errors
Both may occur
While creating a data driven paraphraser, esplainabillity issues may arise as interpreting ML models can be quite difficult. Moreover, if the paraphraser is being created from scratch, bias may creep into it causing improper results. Hence both are potential issues which may occur.
Paraphrasing in NLP
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