Machine Learning (ML) Boosting, an Ensemble Method We have covered the idea of Boosting in depth along with different types of Boosting algorithms, benefits and challenges of Boosting.
Software Engineering How to use Console in Chrome DevTools? We have covered how to use Console which is one of the development tools in the Chrome browser. The Console in Chrome DevTool helps to debug webpages and investigate external webpage as well.
Machine Learning (ML) Architecture of DenseNet-121 We have explored the architecture of a Densely Connected CNN (DenseNet-121) and how it differs from that of a standard CNN. DenseNet-121 has 120 Convolutions and 4 AvgPool.
Software Engineering 2D list in C++ STL (Defining and Sorting) In this article, we will begin with a brief recap of what lists are, followed by an introduction to 2-dimensional lists (2D list), where we shall explore creating and defining 2D lists in C++ STL and sorting them.
Machine Learning (ML) Basics of Gradient descent + Stochastic Gradient descent We have explained the Basics of Gradient descent and Stochastic Gradient descent along with a simple implementation for SGD using Linear Regression.
System Design System Design of a Firewall We have explored the System Design of a Firewall along with the basics of Firewall and a sample Firewall Design in a real system.
Software Engineering Best Coding Practices Coding best practices are a set of informal rules that the software development community employs to help improve software quality. We have explained several such practices.
Culture Is perfect timing the key to a successful startup? For a startup, timing is EVERYTHING. If you're too early to the game, no one will know who you are or what you do. But if you're too late, you'll be playing catch up, and breaking through the noise will be hard.
Culture Age of All Programming Languages This article lists the age of All Programming Languages along with interesting points. Programming Languages did not start when you think like Python is older than Java. It all started from 1949.
System Design Application layer with Microservices and Service Discovery This article elaborates the working of service discovery of microservices in the application layer along with the complete idea of Application layer with Microservices and Service Discovery.
Machine Learning (ML) Dilated Convolution [explained] Dilated convolution, is also known as Atrous Convolution or convolution with holes. The idea behind dilated convolution is to "inflate" the kernel which in turn skips some of the points. We can see the difference in the general formula and some visualization.
System Design Stateless and Stateful architecture [explained] We have explained the Idea of stateless and stateful architecture ind depth. There seems to be a raging debate as to which is better, stateless architecture or stateful architecture. We have explained everything in depth.
Software Engineering MVC pattern in iOS apps We have explained MVC pattern in iOS apps in depth. MVC stands for Model View Controller which is a software design pattern to organize the software project into three parts model, view and controller
Machine Learning (ML) Separable convolution in Machine Learning In MobileNet architecture, you must have stumbled across the term "Separable convolution". What is separable convolution and how is it different from regular convolution? We have explained everything in this article.
Machine Learning (ML) Questions on Regression [with answers] Practice multiple choice questions on Regression with answers. This is one of the fundamental techniques in Machine Learning which is widely used in basic problems.
Machine Learning (ML) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) questions [with answers] Practice multiple choice questions on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with answers. This is a fundamental technique in Machine Learning applications.
Machine Learning (ML) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) questions [with answers] Practice multiple choice questions on Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with answers. It is an important Machine Learning model and is a significant alternative to Convolution Neural Network (CNN).
Machine Learning (ML) Convolution Layer questions [with answers] Practice multiple choice questions on Convolutional Layers with answers. This is the most important layer in a Machine Learning model in terms of both functionality and computation.
Machine Learning (ML) Questions on Fully Connected (FC) Layer Practice multiple choice questions on Fully Connected Layers with answers. These are the most important layer in a Machine Learning model in terms of both functionality and computation.
Software Engineering Process of deleting an array in C++ We have explained how to delete an array or delete an element in an array in C++. We can covered the case of static and dynamic memory allocated array along with the basics of array.
Software Engineering Dynamic vs Static memory allocation in C We have compared the differences with Dynamic Memory Allocation and Static Memory Allocation in C Programming Language. We cover the basics of memory and the different types of memory allocation as well.
TensorFlow Advanced Interview Questions on TensorFlow We have presented advanced interview questions on TensorFlow with multiple options to choose from. Select an answer to find out if you got it right and get explanation for the answer.
Software Engineering Idea of Layer 4 and Layer 7 Load Balancing We have covered the idea of Layer 4 and Layer 7 Load Balancing along with advantages and disadvantages. This is an important topic in System Design and is an effective Load Balancing technique.
Software Engineering Idea of Consistency patterns in System Design We have explained consistency pattern in System Design along with examples for different types like Eventual, Strong and Weak Consistency.
Software Engineering Cloud Design Patterns Cloud Design Pattern as defined by cloud computing experts are a general reusable solution to commonly occurring problems in cloud architecting. We have explained the different Cloud Design Patterns like Scale Up Pattern.