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Scope Resolution :: in C++

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In this article, we have explored the idea of Scope Resolution operator :: in C++ which is used widely in C++ implementations to access a class inside another class, in multiple inheritance and many more.

Table of contents:

  1. Basics of Scope Resolution :: in C++
  2. Implementation of C++ example using scope resolution
  3. Different ways to use Scope Resolution :: in C++
    • To define a function outside a class
    • To access a class’s static variables
    • In case of multiple Inheritance
    • For namespace
    • Refer to a class inside another class
  4. Applications

Let us get started with Scope Resolution :: in C++ Programming Language.

Basics of Scope Resolution :: in C++

A scope resolution operator '::' is an operator which helps to identify and specify the context to which an identifier refers, particularly by specifying a namespace or one can also say it is used to qualify hidden names so that you can still use them. You can use the unary scope operator if a namespace scope or global scope name is hidden by an explicit declaration of the same name in a block or class.


If you have a global variable of name Apple and a local variable of name Apple, to access global Apple , you'll need to use the scope resolution operator.

Implementation of C++ example using scope resolution

using namespace std;
string name="OPENGENUS";    
// not decalred in any function known as global 
int main()
    string name; // declared inside a main function known as local 
    cin >> name;
    cout << "\nThe name you entered will be displayed " 
       << name << endl;

    // Using Scope Resolution :: in C++
    cout << "The name which you declared globally will be displayed " 
       << ::name << endl;
    return 0;


The name you entered will be displayed opengenus
The name which you declared globally will be displayed OPENGENUS

Different ways to use Scope Resolution :: in C++

Scope Resolution :: in C++ can be used as:

  1. To define a function outside a class
  2. To access a class’s static variables
  3. In case of multiple Inheritance
  4. For namespace
  5. Refer to a class inside another class


1. To define a function outside a class

When we declare a function inside a class, which works on the data members of the class. Now to access that declared function outside the definition of the class for its further definition, implementation or just calling the function , we use scope resolution operator.

scope resolution operator :: is used to define a function outside a class

using namespace std;
class Dog
    // Only declaration of the properties of Dog class 
   void colour();
   int size();
// Now here we are given defination to the decalred property colour in the class Dog 
void Dog :: colour()
int Dog :: size()
  return 0;
int main()
   Dog goofy; // creating an object of the class Dog
  goofy.colour(); // here getting the colour of goofy
   goofy.size();// size of goofy
   return 0;



2. To access a class’s static variables

Let's consider a situation where you have the static variable of the name "x=3" and a local variable of the name "x=4" and we do know the fact that the value of static variable never changes, but in a function having a local variable "x=4" where we want to access the static variable with value "x=3" we will use the operator otherwise it would give us a value of local variable i.e "x=4".

using namespace std;
class Dog
	static string name;
	static int size;

	// what happens here is loacl parameter name value will be displayed 
  // everytime inside this function despite of the fact that a static variable of it already exsits
  // so in this case we can acces the static variable using "::"
	void func(string name)
	// We can access class's static variable
	// even if there is a local variable
	cout << "Value of static name is " << Dog::name<<endl;

	cout << "Value of local name is " << name<<endl;
// In C++, static members must be explicitly defined
// like this
string Dog::name = "scooby";
int Dog :: size = 4;

int main()
	Dog d; // creating object of the class
	string name;
	cout <<"Dispalying the size of static variable size = " << Dog::size;
	return 0;


Value of static name is scooby
Value of local name is goofy
Dispalying the size of static variable size = 4

3. In case of multiple Inheritance

Let's suppose we have a parent class and it has two children (two different classes for two children) and now we want to know the gender and age of both so we need two functions displaying age and gender for both the children in their respective classes so to access both the children's age and gender uniquely we would use a scope resolution operator.

// Use of scope resolution operator in multiple inheritance.
using namespace std;
class Anime
	string name; 
  int episodes;
  void getdata(string x, int y)        //SAME NAME
    name = x;
    episodes = y;
  void display()
    cout << "Anime is" << name <<" with "<<episodes<<"episodes"<< endl;
class Character
  string name;
  void getdata(string q)                  // SAME NAME
    name = q;
  void display()
    cout << "Name of Favorite character" <<name<< endl;
// multiple classes getting inherited by details class
class details: public Anime, public Character
void display()
    Anime::getdata("AOT", 70); // used to getdata of anime class
    Character::getdata("LEVI"); // used to getdata of character class

int main()
  details d;
  return 0;


Anime is AOT with 70 episodes
Name of Favorite character LEVI

4. For namespace

If a class having the same name exists inside two namespaces we can use the namespace name with the scope resolution operator to refer to that class without any conflicts.

// Use of scope resolution operator for namespace.
int main(){
// all these std :: was taken care by namespace but not defined so to avoid conflicts.
	std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;

5. Refer to a class inside another class

Let us consider we have food (parent class) where we have different classes inside our parent class (i.e a class inside another class) so in that case, to access a class that is present inside another class we will use scope resolution operator.

using namespace std;
class Colours // main class 
	static string x;

	class Light      // another class inside main class
			string x;
      static string y;

  class Dark        // another cass inside main class
     string x;
     static string y;
string Colours ::x="Blue";
string Colours::Light::y = "Sky blue"; // value of class light
string Colours::Dark:: y="Dark blue"; // value of class dark
int main()
  Colours A;
  Colours::Light B;
  Colours::Dark C;
  cout<<A.x<<endl; // displaying values of main class
  cout<< B.y<<endl;  // displaying value of light class inside main class
  cout<<C.y<<endl; // dispalying value of Dark class inside main class
  return 0;


Sky blue
Dark blue


  • To access the value of a global variable inside a function with a local variable of the same name.
  • It is also used to define and call a function outside the definition of the class.
  • It is possible and usually necessary for the library programmer to define the member functions outside their respective classes.

With this article at OpenGenus, you must have the complete idea of using Scope Resolution :: operator in C++.

Scope Resolution :: in C++
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