Knapsack problem involves maximizing the total value of items that can be placed into a
knapsack with a limited weight capacity. The naive approach involves
trying all possible subsets of items and fractions to find the maximum profit. The greedy approach involves
sorting the items in descending order of value/weight and then
including them in the knapsack one-by-one until either the capacity is reached or there are no more items
left. You can also dive deeper into different variations of the Knapsack Problem. The
Knapsack Problem involves maximizing the value of items that can be put into a
knapsack of unlimited capacity, while the
0-1 Knapsack Problem involves choosing a subset of items to
maximize value while staying within a knapsack's weight limit. The
Bin Packing Problem
involves packing items into bins of limited capacity while minimizing the number of bins used.