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Node.js is a popular open-source server-side platform that allows developers to build scalable and high-performance web applications. With its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, Node.js is an ideal choice for building real-time applications, microservices, and APIs. In this list, we have compiled 30 project ideas using Node.js that cover a wide range of concepts such as database storage, authentication, authorization, API integration, and more. Each project includes a description of its functionality and a link to the GitHub repository where you can find the source code. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, these project ideas can help you sharpen your skills and build your own Node.js applications.
In this article at OpenGenus, we have listed 31 core projects that should be implemented in Node.JS and will be a strong addition to the portfolio of the JavaScript developer.
Following are the 31 core Node.js projects:
- Image recognition web app
- Randomized String
- Real-time chat application
- File Uploader
- Image processing using Sharp
- Chatbot for customer support
- Facial recognition system
- Music recommendation engine
- Social Network Platform
- Twiter Clone
- Web scraper
- Video Streaming Platform
- Online Quiz App
- E-Commerce Website
- Movie search
- Todo List
- Blogging platform
- Online library management system
- Online Food Ordering System
- Online Auction System
- E-Learning Platform
- Youtube-clone-nodejs
- Real time Polling System
- Note-taking app
- Email Newsletter Creator
- Time Tracker
- Remote Job Board
- Weather Application
- Photo Gallery
- Event Management System
- Medical appointment scheduling
Let's see each one of them one by one :
Image recognition web app
- Project title: Image recognition web application
- Description: This web application will allow the user to upload an image and the application will return the object that is present in the image. This task is known as Image recognition and an DL model should be used.
- Difficulty level: 3 out of 5
- Dataset used: None, A pre-trained model like ResNet50 is used.
- Concepts involved: Deep Learning Inference, Image Recognition, Web Application
- 👉Source Code : Learn with explanation
Randomized String
- Project title: Randomized String
- Description: This package will give random string based on the options provide. There are lots of scenarios which one can use this Random string generator the most known or the best scenario is for id generation, Password generation, Token generation, and Testing. You can also generate a random emoji from this package.
- Difficulty level: 2
- Dataset used: data Range and pattern
- Concepts involved: Generating random strings, password generation, user id generation
- 👉Source Code : https://github.com/Dagic-zewdu/random-string
Real-time chat application
- Project title: Real-time chat application with Socket.io
- Description: A chat application that allows users to communicate in real-time using Socket.io. It can be extended to include features like group chats, user authentication, and message history.
- Dataset used: List User
- Difficulty level: 2
- Concepts involved: Websockets, event-driven programming, asynchronous programming
- 👉 Source code: https://github.com/bradtraversy/chatcord
File Uploader
- File upload using Multer
- Project title: File upload using Multer
- Description: A Node.js application that allows users to upload files using the Multer middleware. It can be extended to include features like file type validation and size limits.
- Dataset used: Image data
- Difficulty level: 1
- Concepts involved: Middleware, file handling, error handling
- 👉 Source code: https://github.com/expressjs/multer
Image processing
- Project title: Image processing using Sharp
- Description: A Node.js application that processes images using the Sharp library. It can be extended to include features like resizing and image optimization.
- Dataset used: Image data
- Difficulty level: 2
- Concepts involved: Image processing, Sharp library, command-line interface
- 👉 Source code: https://github.com/lovell/sharp
Chatbot for customer support
- Project title: Customer Support Chatbot
- Description: The objective of this project is to create a chatbot that can assist customers with their inquiries and support needs. The chatbot can be trained using natural language processing techniques and can provide quick and efficient responses to customer inquiries.
- Dataset used: User list
- Difficulty level: 3
- Concepts involved: Natural Language Processing (NLP), Chatbot Development, User Interaction, Response Generation
- 👉 Source code: https://github.com/chatwoot/chatwoot
Facial recognition system
- Project description: The aim of this project is to build a facial recognition system that can recognize faces from images or videos. It involves training a deep neural network on a dataset of facial images, preprocessing the input images, and using the model to recognize faces in real-time.
- Dataset used: FaceNet dataset
- Difficulty level: 5
- Concepts involved: Convolutional neural network (CNN), Face recognition, Object detection
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/davidsandberg/facenet.git
Music recommendation engine
- Project title: Music Recommendation Engine with Node.js
- Description: Build a music recommendation engine using Node.js and the Spotify API. The engine should be able to suggest songs and playlists based on user preferences and listening history.
- Dataset used: List Music
- Difficulty level: 3
- Concepts involved: APIs, Machine Learning
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/thelinmichael/spotify-web-api-node.git
Social Network Platform
- Project title: Social Network Platform
- Description: This is a social media platform that allows users to create an account, login, share posts, like and comment on other posts, and search for other users. It was built using Node.js, MongoDB, and React.js. The backend uses Express.js and Mongoose for handling data, while the frontend is built with React and Redux.
- Dataset used: list users, comment
- Difficulty level: 3
- Concepts involved: RESTful API development, user authentication and authorization, database design and management, data modeling, frontend development using React and Redux.
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/bradtraversy/devconnector_2.0
Twiter Clone
- Project title: Twiter Clone
- Description: A full-stack Twitter clone app built using MERN stack. The goal is to create similar functionality and look as it does on Twitter.
- Dataset used: list users, comment
- Difficulty level: 4
- Concepts involved: RESTful API development, user authentication and authorization, database design and management with MongoDB, data modeling, handling user post.
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/mateuszwszola/twitter-clone
Web scraper
- Project title: Web scraper
- Description: : A web scraper is a tool used to extract data from websites. It can automate the process of collecting data from multiple web pages, saving the data in a structured format, and storing it in a database or a file.
- Dataset used: List Sitemaps
- Difficulty level: 4
- Concepts involved: HTTP requests, Parsing HTML with Cheerio, File I/O, and Asynchronous programming with Node.js.
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/IonicaBizau/scrape-it
Video Streaming Platform
- Project title: Video Streaming Platform
- Description: A web application built with Node.js, React.js, and MongoDB for streaming and sharing videos. The backend uses Express.js and Mongoose for handling data and the frontend is built with React and Redux. Users can upload, stream and share videos with others.
- Dataset used:List Video
- Difficulty level: 3
- Concepts involved: Node.js for server-side JavaScript, Express.js for building web applications and APIs, MongoDB for handling and storing data.
Video.js for streaming videos in the browser. - 👉Source code: https://github.com/SachinKalsi/video-upload-and-video-streaming
Online Quiz App
- Project title: Online Quiz App
- Description: QuizApp is a free and open-source quiz application that lets you play fully customized quizzes right in the browser.
- Dataset used: questions datas
- Difficulty level: 3
- Concepts involved: front-end react, react dom, semantic-ui.
Video.js for streaming videos in the browser. - 👉Source code: https://github.com/SafdarJamal/quiz-app
E-Commerce Website
- Project title: E-Commerce Website
- Description: An e-commerce website using Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, and React.js. Users can browse products, add items to their cart, create an account, and checkout.
- Dataset used: user and product data
- Difficulty level: 4
- Concepts involved: RESTful APIs, CRUD operations, user authentication, session management
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/basir/amazona
Movie search
- Project title: Movie Search
- Description: A movie search engine using Node.js, Express.js, and The Movie Database API. Users can enter a movie title and get information about the film, including the synopsis, release date, and cast.
- Dataset used: list movies
- Difficulty level: 3
- Concepts involved: APIs, data fetching, error handling
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/bradtraversy/movieinfo
Todo List
- Project title: Todo List
- Description: A todo list using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. Users can create tasks, mark them as complete, and delete them when finished.
- Dataset used: List to-dos
- Difficulty level: 3
- Concepts involved: CRUD operations, database management, authentication
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/scotch-io/node-todo
Blogging platform
- Project title: Blogging platform
- Description: A blogging platform built with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. Users can create accounts, write blog posts, and comment on other posts.
- Dataset used:list blogs
- Difficulty level: 3
- Concepts involved: MongoDB, User authentication, RESTful API design, Mongoose
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/cornflourblue/node-mongo-registration-login-api
Online library management system
- Project title: Online library management system
- Description: The online library management system is a web-based application that allows users to borrow and return books from a library, as well as search for books and reserve copies. The system implements CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for managing books, borrowers, and reservations. It also includes user authentication and a database designed to store book and user information.
- Dataset used: list books
- Difficulty level: 3
- Concepts involved: CRUD operations, User authentication, Database design
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/Airack/library_management_system
Online Food Ordering System
- Project title: Online Food Ordering System
- Description: A web-based platform that allows users to place food orders from a variety of restaurants and cafes. The system provides a menu, order tracking, and online payment options. Admins can manage orders, menus, and users.
- Dataset used: list food
- Difficulty level: 4
- Concepts involved: CRUD operations, React RESTful APIs, User authentication, Payment Gateway Integration, Database design
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/innextinit/foodOrdering
Online Auction System
- Project title: Online Auction System
- Description: An online auction system (real-time observable socket streams) that allows users to register and participate in online auctions. The platform uses Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB for the backend and React.js for the frontend. The system includes features such as creating and managing auctions, bidding on items, and managing user accounts.
- Dataset used: user and product
- Concepts involved: CRUD operations,socket streams, User authentication, Real-time updates, Payment processing
- Difficulty level: 4
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/calgary-nodejs/auction
E-Learning Platform
- Project title: E-Learning Platform
- Description: A JavaScript open source LMS (eLearning platform) for MOOCs and online courses. Allows instructors to create and manage online courses, and students to enroll in and complete those courses. The platform uses Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB for the backend and React.js for the frontend. The system includes features such as course creation, enrollment, quizzes and assignments, and grading.
- Dataset used: users, teacher, course
- Concepts involved: CRUD operations, User authentication, Payment processing, Video streaming
- Difficulty level: 5
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/gazpachu/hypatia
Youtube clone nodejs
- Project title: YouTube Clone
- Description: A video sharing platform that allows users to upload and watch videos. The platform uses Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB for the backend and React.js for the frontend, and includes features such as video upload and playback, user authentication, and commenting and rating.
- Dataset used: users, video data
- Concepts involved: CRUD operations, User authentication, Video streaming, Database with mongodb.
- Difficulty level: 5
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/techreagan/youtube-clone-nodejs-api
Real time Polling System
- Project title: Real time Polling System
- Description: Polling System is a web-based application that enables you to create ranking, rating, and poll voting contests and view the results in real time. Your audience can participate live on their mobile phones, tablets and desktops. There is nothing to download or install.
- Dataset used: users voters and candidates, poll
- Concepts involved: Real-time updates, User authentication, CRUD operations
- Difficulty level: 3
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/anshuagrawal2791/myVote
Note-taking app
- Project title: Note-taking app
- Description: A simple note-taking application that allows users to create, view, update, and delete notes. The platform uses Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB for the backend and React.js for the frontend. Users can log in to their accounts to access their notes and manage them.
- Dataset used:list of note
- Concepts involved: CRUD operations, User authentication, Database design, Real-time updates
- Difficulty level: 3
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/streetwriters/notesnook
Email Newsletter Creator
- Project title: Email Newsletter Creator
- Description: The Node.js module for rendering beautiful emails with EJS templates and email-friendly inline CSS using Juice is a powerful tool for any developer looking to create professional-looking emails. This module allows for the creation of stunning email templates that can be easily customized to meet the needs of any project. With EJS, developers can leverage the power of JavaScript to create dynamic and responsive templates that will impress any recipient.
- Dataset used: list of email
- Concepts involved: CRUD operations, User authentication, Email sending, API integration
- Difficulty level: 4
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/scoutforpets/node-email-templates
Stock portfolio tracker
- Project title: Stock Portfolio Tracker
- Description: A fast, free, and in-browser stock portfolio manager built using Node.js and React. The application allows users to track their stock portfolio by adding stocks and monitoring their performance. The application includes features such as real-time stock price updates, portfolio summary, portfolio performance charts, and portfolio rebalancing. The application can be easily deployed to any environment, making it accessible to everyone.
- Dataset used: list of stock
- Concepts involved: RESTful API, CRUD operations, Real-time updates, Charting and data visualization, User authentication
- Difficulty level: 4
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/ssorallen/finance
Time Tracker
- Project title: Time Tracker
- Description: A time tracking application is fully featured command line interface for GitLab's time tracking feature. It monitors the time you spent on an issue or merge request locally and syncs it to GitLab. It also allows you to create reports in various formats from time tracking data stored on GitLab.
- Dataset used: list of time
- Concepts involved: Time-tracking, docker-image, Data visualization,RESTful API
- Difficulty level: 3
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/kriskbx/gitlab-time-tracker
Remote Job Board
- Project title: Job Board
- Description: A job board web application that allows job seekers to find and apply for job openings. A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies (jobs) in tech. The system includes features such as job search, job listing creation and management, job application tracking, and user account management.
- Dataset used:users and list of job
- Concepts involved: CRUD operations, User authentication, Real-time updates, Payment processing
- Difficulty level: 4
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs
Weather Application
- Project title: Weather Application
- Description: A web application that allows users to get real-time weather data for any location using Node.js and Express.js for the backend. The application includes features such as displaying current weather conditions, hourly and daily forecasts, and the ability to search for a specific location.
- Dataset used: list of each country Weather
- Concepts involved: API integration, User interface design, Error handling, Asynchronous programming
- Difficulty level: 3
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/dmahajan980/node-weather-app
Photo Gallery
- Project title: Photo Gallery
- Description: A web-based photo gallery that allows users to upload and manage their photos. The platform uses Node.js and Express.js for the backend. The system includes features such as creating and managing albums, uploading photos, and viewing photos in a slideshow or grid format.
- Dataset used: list of images
- Concepts involved: No database needed, Displays camera capture info, Image processing, Gallery view, Responsive design
- Difficulty level: 3
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/cianclarke/node-gallery
Event Management System
- Project title: Event Management System
- Description: A web-based event management system that allows users to create, manage, and promote events. The system includes features such as event registration, payment processing, event promotion through email and social media, and event analytics. The back-end is built with express and the front-end with Reactjs.
- Dataset used: List of events
- Concepts involved: CRUD operations, User authentication, Payment processing, Email and social media integration, Data visualization.
- Difficulty level: 5
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/sunnysetia93/Event-Management-NodeJS-ReactJS
Medical appointment scheduling
- Project title: Medical appointment scheduling
- Description: An application that allows medical professionals to manage patient appointments and schedules. The platform uses Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB for the backend and React.js for the frontend. The system includes features such as scheduling appointments, managing patient records, and sending appointment reminders.
- Dataset used: List of doctors, patients, and dates
- Concepts involved: CRUD operations, User authentication, Real-time updates, Calendar integration
- Difficulty level: 5
- 👉Source code: https://github.com/sebastianhaas/medical-appointment-scheduling
With this article at OpenGenus, you must have a strong idea of Node.js Projects ideas.