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In this article, we will explore everything about variables in JavaScript. In JavaScript, a variable can be declared in 3 ways (var, let, const) and the variable scope depends on this.
Most of the JavaScript syntax are similar to of C, Java or C++. In JavaScript, we declare a variable using the var keyword as follows:
var maxvalue = 20;
var maxValue = 30;
Here maxvalue
and maxValue
are two different variables because Javascript is case-sensitive.
We use variables to give values a specific definitive name. The variable names are called identifiers
A javascript identifier must follow certain rules to be a valid variable name -
- An identifier must start with a letter, underscore( _ ) or dollar sign ( $ ).
- An identifier never starts with a number / digit ( 0-9 ) but can consist a number at any place except first one.
- Because of javascript being case-sensitive Uppercase ( A-Z ) & lower case ( a-z ) characters are also included.
opengenus //valid
OpenGenus //valid
Open_genus //valid
opengenus1 //valid
$opengenus //valid
_opengenus //valid
@opengenus //invalid
23opengenus //invalid
Variable declarations
JavaScript provides us three types of variables declarations:
- var
- let
- const
keyword is used to declare both local
and global
variables whose scope depends on execution context.
var name = "Dave";
keyword is used to declare local
variables at block scope.
let length = 10;
also used similarly as let for block scope
variables but for constant values.
Once const is declared and initialized , its value can not be changed. If you try to change( mutate ), it will throw an error.
const PI = 3.14;
PI = 2;
// Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
- if we don't assign any value to the defined variable for
, like -
var a;
let num;
then JavaScript automatically assigns them a value of undefined
// undefined
- But if we don't assign a value for a
variable then it throws an error because const is immutable and it can be only assigned a value once and on the same line of declaration.
const PI;
// Uncaught SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration
Note -
What will happen if we use a variable without declaring it -
console.log("Value of a =", a);
// ReferenceError: a is not defined
It will throw an error.
What if we declare same variable more than one time.
using var
var a = 10;
var a = 20;
console.log("Value of a = ", a);
// Value of a = 20
You might have expected an error but var
rewrites the value. And this is dangerous. So be very careful when working with var
because you might redeclare any variable and you program will still run fine with 0 errors and you wont get your desired output.
using let
let a = 10;
let a = 20;
console.log("Value of a = ", a);
// SyntaxError: Identifier 'a' has already been declared
This time we get an error as expected.
Variable Scope
When you declare a variable outside of any function, it is known as Global variable
. But when you declare a variable within a function, it is known as local variable
There is also a term Block scope
which was introduced in ECMA Script 2015 means a variable is fully accessible inside a block { } in which variable was declared. If any function resides in that same block, it can also use that variable.
if (true) {
var a = 6;
// 6
we get output because variable declared using var have both local and global scope.
if (true) {
let b = 10;
// ReferenceError: b is not defined.
here, we get an error because b is declared using let, so it's scope resides only between block { }. We can not access b outside.
If a function or another block resides inside a a block and a variable is declared in the first block.Both the inner block and function has access to that variable.
if(true) {
let val = 10;
for( let i=1; i<=5; i++ ) {
val = val + i;
console.log("value of val = ",val);
console.log("value if i = ",i);
// value of val = 25
// ReferenceError: i is not defined
is accessible inside for loop
and after for loop because we are still inside the block in which val
is declared.
But i
declared inside for loop
is not accessible outside loop because it scopes ends as soon as for loop exits.
With this, you will have the complete knowledge of using variables in JavaScript. Enjoy.