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Types of HTML file extensions

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There are 4 different types of HTML file extensions and the extension denote a specific feature enabled in the HTML web page. In this article, we have explored all different types of HTML file extensions in depth.

There are 4 types of HTML files:

  • HTML (.html)
  • SHTML (.shtml)
  • Dynamic HTML (.dhtml)
  • Extensible HTML (.xhtml)

We will go over each type of HTML file extension now.

HTML (.html)

This is the basic version of HTML (HyperText Markup Language).

The file extension of this type is .html.

SHTML (.shtml)

SHTML is an extension of HTML with Server Side Include (SSI) enabled. SSI enables the HTML page to:

  • Execute Server side scripts
  • Load common include files faster and hence, optimize HTML code.

The file extension of this type is .shtml.

Dynamic HTML (.dhtml)

Dynamic HTML is an extension of HTML that supports dynamic features such as animation, dynamic menus and much more.

The file extension of this type is .dhtml.

Extensible HTML (.xhtml)

Extensible HTML is a variant of HTML that is strict in its rules and has a more standarized format.

The file extension of this type is .xhtml.

Following table summarizes the different HTML files:

Different HTML file
HTML fileFile extensionSpecial feature
SHTML.shtmlServer Side Include (SSI)
DHTML.dhtmlAnimation, Dynamic menu
XHTML.xhtmlStrict and standardized

With this article at OpenGenus, you must have the complete idea of different HTML files.

Types of HTML file extensions
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