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Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Flask app to get list of all primes
- Developing static webpage application using Flask with no database
- Introduction to Single Page Applications with Flask and AJAX
- Create a Web App using Flask to present a Machine Learning model
- Flask API using Flask RestFul
- Prime Factorization Flask Application
- Online C Code Compiler using Flask
- Create Login Page in Flask using sessions
- Blogging Platform
- URL Shortener
- Task Manager
- Chat Application
- Social Media Platform
- Weather Application
- Quiz App
- File Upload and Sharing
- Event Management System
- Online Voting System
- Expense Tracker
- Stock Portfolio Tracker
- Online Markdown Editor
- Online Learning Platform
- Feedback Collection System
- Music Streaming Platform
- Movie Recommendation System
In this article at OpenGenus, we have given you 25 unique Flask project ideas for you to do if you dont know what to make. I have included a brief explanation, the concepts and technologies involved, and a difficulty rating.
1. Flask app to get list of all primes
This projects allows a user to type in a number and once they press a button the program will generate all of the prime number upto the given number. This project is great for beginners because it uses technical concepts like the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm in a way which is easy to understand for a beginner. Flask is an ideal choice for this project due to its simplicity and ease of use, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced developers. Additionally, Flask's flexibility and scalability enables the application to handle a wide range of projects, from simple prototypes to more complex web applications.
- Flask app to get list of all primes
- Concepts:Prime Number, Eratosthenes algorithm, Web Development
- Technologies:Python, Flask, HTML
- Difficulty:2/5
- GitHub Repository: https://github.com/OpenGenus/prime-list-flask
2. Developing static webpage application using Flask with no database
This project involves creating a static website which is using flask as the sever side to render the html pages. Flask is a great option for developing a static webpage application with no database. This is because Flask allows you to serve static files such as CSS, JavaScript, and images directly from your application. This means you can include stylesheets and scripts in your HTML templates and have them loaded by the browser when the webpage is accessed. Flask's static file handling simplifies the process of managing and delivering these static assets to the client. Another advantage of using Flask for a static webpage application with no database is its lightweight nature. Flask does not come with a built-in database, which makes it a good choice when you want to keep your web server lightweight and improve performance
- Developing static webpage application using Flask with no database
- Concepts: Web Development
- Technologies: HTML/CSS, Python, Flask, JavaScript
- Difficulty: 2/5
- Link: https://iq.opengenus.org/static-webpage-flask-no-database/
3. Introduction to Single Page Applications with Flask and AJAX
This project involves creating a single page web application which has incrementing and decrementing counters. Flask is a good option for this project because it allows for quick and easy development of web applications. It is well-suited for building single-page applications (SPAs) due to its simplicity and flexibility. With Flask, developers have the freedom to design and structure their applications as they see fit, making it easy to create an extensible and scalable SPA. Additionally, Flask integrates seamlessly with AJAX, a technology used to create asynchronous web applications. This allows for dynamic updating of web content without the need for full page reloads, enhancing the user experience. By combining Flask with AJAX, developers can build SPAs that are responsive and interactive, providing a smooth and seamless browsing experience for users.
- Introduction to Single Page Applications with Flask and AJAX
- Concepts: Web Development
- Technologies: HTML, Python, Flask, AJAX
- Difficulty: 3/5
- Link: https://iq.opengenus.org/single-page-application-with-flask-ajax/
4. Create a Web App using Flask to present a Machine Learning model
In this project Flask is used to build a web app that runs a machine learning model on the server and presents the results to the user. Flask's flexibility allows for easy integration with the model and handling of user requests. Flask integrates well with machine learning libraries and frameworks, making it suitable for deploying machine learning models as web applications.
- Create a Web App using Flask to present a Machine Learning model
- Concepts: Web Development, Machine Learning
- Technologies: Python, Flask, HTML/CSS
- Difficulty: 3/5
- Link: https://iq.opengenus.org/web-app-ml-model-using-flask/
5. Flask API using Flask RestFul
This project involves creating an API which can perform CRUD operation which basically means create, read, update and delete data. In this project we are using Flask-RESTful which is an extension for Flask that simplifies the development of RESTful APIs. Flask-RESTful provides abstractions for handling HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and request/response parsing, making it easier to build RESTful services. Also we will be using SQLAlchemy which is a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library in Python. Flask seamlessly integrates with SQLAlchemy, allowing developers to define database models as Python classes and interact with the database using high-level Python objects. This simplifies database operations and improves code maintainability.
- Flask API using Flask RestFul
- Technologies: Python, Flask, SqlAlchemy, Postman
- Difficulty: 4/5
- Link: https://iq.opengenus.org/flask-api-using-flask-restful/
6. Prime Factorization Flask Application
This project allows users to find the prime factorization of any number they provide. Prime factorization is the process of decomposing a composite number into its prime factors. Flask is a good option for this project because it is a lightweight and flexible web framework that is well-suited for small to medium-sized applications. It is easy to set up and get started with Flask, making it ideal for developing simple web applications like the prime factorization application.
- Prime Factorization Flask Application
- Concepts: Web Development, Prime Factorization Algorithm, Floyd's Cycle Detection Algorithm, Pollard Rho Algorithm
- Technologies: Python, Flask
- Difficulty: 3/5
- Link: https://iq.opengenus.org/prime-factorization-web-application/
- GitHub: https://github.com/kiraboibrahim/pollard-rho-prime-factorization
7. Online C Code Compiler using Flask
This project will allow you to write and compile C code using Flask. Since this project involves Python and C programming language, Flask allows for seamless integration between them which makes it the best choice for this project. Also Flask provides all the necessary tools and features for developing web applications. It handles routing, request handling, and response generation, making it easy to build the necessary endpoints for compiling and executing C code.
- Online C Code Compiler using Flask
- Concepts: Web Development, Subprocess Module
- Technologies: Python, Flask
- Difficulty: 4/5
- Link: https://iq.opengenus.org/online-c-code-compiler-flask/
- GitHub: https://github.com/OpenGenus/online-compiler-flask
8. Create Login Page in Flask using sessions
This project create a login page which will redirect to a dashboard if the details type in are correct. Flask is a good choice for this project because we are using sessions and Flask provides built-in support for session management through the session object. This allows you to store and retrieve user specific data across multiple requests which is essential for implementing features like user authentication and authorization. Also Flask is highly extensible, meaning you can easily integrate additional libraries and extensions to enhance your application's functionality. The project will use Flask's render_template function, which enables the rendering of HTML templates. Flask also supports various extensions like Flask-Login and JWT for more advanced authentication mechanisms.
- Create Login Page in Flask using sessions
- Concepts: Web Development
- Technologies: Python, Flask
- Difficulty: 2/5
- Link: https://iq.opengenus.org/login-page-in-flask/
9. Blogging Platform
This web application will allow users to create and manage their own blogs. Flask is a good option for this type of project. One of the reasons why is because Flask has a vast ecosystem of extensions that can enhance the functionality of an application. For example, SQLAlchemy is commonly used with Flask to interact with databases, giving you a wide range of database options like SQLite, MySQL, or PostgreSQL for the blogging platform. These extensions provide ready to use solutions for common tasks abd saves you time.
- Blogging Platform
- Concepts: CRUD operations, user authentication, database * management.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- Difficulty: 3/5
- GitHub Repository: https://github.com/DogukanUrker/flaskBlog
10. URL Shortener
This project will allow you to shorten long URLs. Flask is the best option for this project beacause Flask provides a built-in URL routing system, which is essential for a URL shortener. It allows you to define routes and associate them with specific functions that handle requests for those routes. This makes it straightforward to implement the functionality of mapping shortened URLs to their corresponding original URLs.
- URL Shortener
- Concepts: URL routing, form handling, database storage.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- Difficulty: 2/5
- GitHub Repository: https://github.com/highoncarbs/shorty
11. Task Manager
This project will allow you to create, update, and delete tasks. The reason why Flask is a suitable option for this project is because of the ORM integration. SQLAlchemy which is a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library and is also being used in our project, can be seamlessly integrated with Flask. This allows you to interact with the database using high-level Python objects instead of writing raw SQL queries. With SQLAlchemy, you can define models for tasks and easily perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, which are essential for the Task Manager project.
- Task Manager
- Concepts: CRUD operations, user authentication, database management.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- Difficulty: 2/5
- GitHub Repository: https://github.com/FlashDrag/flask-task-manager
12. Chat Application
This project will allow you to create chat rooms and exchange messages. Flask is a good option for this project because it provides a simple and intuitive interface for handling HTTP requests and responses, making it ideal for building a chat application that requires real-time communication. Additionally, Flask-SocketIO, a Flask extension, integrates seamlessly with Flask to enable WebSocket-based communication which is essential for creating interactive and real-time chat rooms. With Flask SocketIO you can easily implement features like real time message updates and notifications. Furthermore, Flask's extensibility allows for easy integration with other technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, making it a versatile choice for building a chat application with a user authentication system.
- Chat Application
- Concepts: Websockets, real-time communication, user * authentication.
- Technologies: Flask-SocketIO, Flask, JavaScript, HTML/CSS.
- Difficulty: 4/5
- GitHub Repository: https://github.com/nicktill/chat-app
13. Social Media Platform
This project will allow you to create profiles, post updates, and connect with others. Flask is a good option for this project because of its flexible architecture, allowing developers to customize and tailor the application to their specific needs. Additionally, Flask integrates well with other technologies commonly used in web development, such as SQLAlchemy for database management and various databases like SQLite, MySQL, or PostgreSQL.
- Social Media Platform
- Concepts: User profiles, news feeds, followers/following relationships.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- Difficulty: 4/5
- GitHub Repository: https://github.com/parsariyahi/social_media_app
14. Weather Application
This project will display current weather information for a given location. The reason why Flask is the best option for this project is because flask provides a lightweight and flexible framework for building web applications, making it suitable for creating a weather application. It allows easy integration with APIs like OpenWeatherMap to retrieve weather data. Flask's simplicity and modular design make it convenient for handling data retrieval and rendering it on the front-end using HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
- Weather Application
- Concepts: API integration, data retrieval, front-end design.
- Technologies: Flask, OpenWeatherMap API, HTML/CSS, JavaScript.
- Difficulty: 2/5
15. Quiz App
This project is a quiz app which will have multiple-choice questions and scoring functionality as well as login and user authentication. Flask is a good option for this project because Flask's ability to handle user authentication and its integration with SQLAlchemy and databases like SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL make it a suitable choice for developing a quiz application. It allows the creation of multiple-choice questions, tracks user scores, and manages the result tracking functionality efficiently.
- Quiz App
- Concepts: User authentication, quiz creation, result tracking.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- Difficulty: 3/5
16. File Upload and Sharing
This project will allow you to upload and share files with others. The reason Flask is the suitable option for this project is because of Flask's file handling capabilities, combined with its integration with SQLAlchemy and databases like SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL which make it an excellent option for building a web application for file upload and sharing. Additionally, Flask can easily integrate with cloud storage services like Amazon S3, enabling efficient storage management.
- File Upload and Sharing
- Concepts: File handling, user authentication, storage management.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL, Amazon S3.
- Difficulty: 4/5
- GitHub Repository: https://github.com/hardik099/uploadFileToS3
17. Event Management System
This will allow user to create, manage, and RSVP to events. Flask is great option for this project because of Flask's support for CRUD operations, user authentication, and database management making it a good fit for an event management system. It allows users to create and manage events, as well as RSVP to them. Flask's integration with SQLAlchemy and databases provides efficient data management capabilities.
- Event Management System
- Concepts: CRUD operations, user authentication, database management.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- Difficulty: 3/5
18. Online Voting System
This will allow you to conduct polls or elections with user authentication and vote tracking. Also using Flask is a great option because of Flask's support for CRUD operations, user authentication, and database management makes it suitable for creating an online voting system. It enables users to authenticate themselves, tracks votes securely, and manages the database efficiently. Flask's flexibility allows customization based on specific voting requirements.
- Online Voting System
- Concepts: CRUD operations, user authentication, database management.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- Difficulty: 4/5
19. Expense Tracker
Build an expense tracking application to help users manage their expenses and track their spending. Using Flask will allow users to manage their expenses, track spending, and provides secure data storage and retrieval capabilities.
- Expense Tracker
- Concepts: CRUD operations, user authentication, database management.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- Difficulty: 3/5
20. Stock Portfolio Tracker
Develop a stock portfolio tracking application that allows users to monitor their investments. Flask is a great option for this project becasue it can integrate with APIs like Alpha Vantage to retrieve stock data and display it in a user-friendly format. Flask's integration with SQLAlchemy and databases allows efficient data management.
- Stock Portfolio Tracker
- Concepts: CRUD operations, API integration, data visualization.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL, Alpha Vantage API.
- Difficulty: 4/5
- GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Imsach/flaskstockly
21. Online Markdown Editor
Create an online markdown editor where users can write and preview Markdown-formatted text in real-time. Flask is a good option for this project because it can use Flask-SocketIO which provides real-time updates and enables the creation of an online markdown editor. It allows users to write and preview Markdown-formatted text, with changes reflected in real-time. Flask's integration with HTML/CSS and JavaScript facilitates front-end design and rendering.
- Online Markdown Editor
- Concepts: Front-end design, Markdown rendering, real-time updates.
- Technologies: Flask, Flask-SocketIO, HTML/CSS, JavaScript.
- Difficulty: 3/5
22. Online Learning Platform
Develop an online learning platform with features like course enrollment, quizzes, and progress tracking. Flask is a great option for this project because of it can support result tracking which makes it a suitable choice for an online learning platform. It allows users to enroll in courses, take quizzes, and tracks their progress. Flask's integration with SQLAlchemy and databases ensures efficient data management.
- Online Learning Platform
- Concepts: User authentication, course management, result tracking.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- Difficulty: 4/5
23. Feedback Collection System
Build a feedback collection system where users can submit feedback and administrators can manage and analyze it. Flask is a good option for this project because Flask can support CRUD operations, user authentication, and database management making it suitable for a feedback collection system. It enables users to submit feedback, while administrators can manage and analyze it. Flask provides a secure and efficient way to handle and store feedback data.
- Feedback Collection System
- Concepts: CRUD operations, user authentication, database management.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- Difficulty: 3/5
24. Music Streaming Platform
Create a music streaming platform where users can upload, play, and share their own music. Flask is good option for this project because Flask can support CRUD operations, user authentication, and audio streaming capabilities making it suitable for building a music streaming platform. It allows users to upload, play, and share their own music. Flask's integration with SQLAlchemy and databases ensures efficient data management.
- Music Streaming Platform
- Concepts: CRUD operations, user authentication, audio streaming.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- Difficulty: 4/5
25. Movie Recommendation System
Develop a movie recommendation system based on user preferences and movie ratings. Flask is great option for this project because Flask can support user authentication, collaborative filtering, and recommendation algorithms making it a good option for developing a movie recommendation system. It allows users to authenticate themselves, tracks their preferences and ratings, and generates personalized movie recommendations. Flask's integration with SQLAlchemy and databases facilitates data management.
- Movie Recommendation System
- Concepts: User authentication, collaborative filtering, recommendation algorithms.
- Technologies: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL.
- Difficulty: 4/5
- GitHub Repository: https://github.com/dantemazza/movie-recommender