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This article has the list of 100+ Advanced Data Structures that you must understand to prepare to solve advanced problems and compete in competitions like ICPC, Google Code Jam, Facebook Hacker Cup and many more.
Following is the list of 100+ Advanced Data Structures:
- Min/ Max Heap
- Binomial Heap
- Fibonacci Heap
- Skew Heap
- Leftist Heap
- Soft Heap
- Pairing Heap
- Shadow Heap
- Min-Max heap
- AVL Tree
- Red Black Tree
- AA Tree
- Splay Tree
- 2 3 Tree
Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree
Range minimum query
Range addition query
- Native approach
- Square root decomposition
- Segment tree
- Fenwick tree
- Sparse table
- Cartesian tree
Finding the number of elements less than a given number in a given range
- Fenwick tree
Number of distinct elements in a index range
Sparse tree
Fractional cascading (binary search)
Longest Common Prefix array (LCP)
Prefix Sum Array
Piece table
order statistics tree
Patracia tree
Policy based data structures (C++)
- Using XOR Linked list to implement backward and forward navigation of visited web pages
- Using XOR Linked list to implement Most Recently Used list
Implicit K D tree
KDB tree
R tree
M tree
Range tree
Segment tree
- Segment Tree
- 2D Segment Tree
- Lazy propogation in Segment tree
- Persistent segment tree
- Heavy light decomposition in Segment tree
Li Chao tree
Fenwick Tree / Binary Index Tree (BIT)
- Fenwick Tree
- 2D Fenwick Tree
- 3D Fenwick Tree
- Persistent Fenwick Tree
Quad edge
Winged edge
Anagram Trees
Sqrt Tree
Suffix tree
Ukkonen’s Suffix Tree algorithm
ScapeGoat Tree
Rainbow table
Finger tree
Wavelet tree
- Bloom filter
- LogLog
- HyperLogLog
- MinHash
- Count Min sketch
- Skip list
- Treap
- Quotient filter
- Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT)
Kinetic data structure
- Kinetic heap
- Kinetic sorted list
- Kinetic minimum spanning tree
- Kinetic tournament/ priority queue
Following are some of the ideas behind the Advanced Data Structures:
Segment Tree
Segment Tree is a Data Structure that is used to answer range queries (like Range Minimum Query) efficiently. There are different variants of Segment Tree each of which has used in different applications.
- Segment Tree
- 2D Segment Tree
- 3D Segment Tree
- Persistent Segment Tree
Interval Tree
Interval Tree is a modification of Binary Search Tree (BST) which is used to solve geometric problems such as find a point or line which is overlapping or enclosed in the rectangle.
Fenwick Tree/ Binary Indexed Tree
Fenwick Tree is similar to Segment Tree and is used to solve range queries. It is based on a different idea and is simpler and has less memory load than Segment Tree. It can be used with an invertible operation only. The variants of Fenwick Tree are:
- Fenwick Tree/ Binary Indexed Tree
- 2D Fenwick Tree
- 3D Fenwick Tree
- Persistent Fenwick Tree
Cartesian Tree
A Cartesian tree is a binary rooted tree data structure that can answer range queries can be answered by finding least common ancestors in the tree. An inorder traversal of the tree would give the original sequence used to form the tree. It is used as binary search tree for an ordered sequence.
A treap is a height balanced binary tree with heap properties. It is used to store a sequence in a tree, which allows for various applications like searching. It takes O(log N) time complexity for search, insert and delete operations and takes O(N) space complexity
X and Y fast trie
There are 2 variants:
X-fast trie is a data structure used to store integers from a bounded domain. It is a trie of hash tables and supports successor and predecessor operations in log log U time
Y-fast trie is a data structure used to store integers from a bounded domain. It has two data structures X fast trie and balanced binary search tree with the change being we operate on representative values r in X-fast tries, and the leaf nodes point to balanced binary search trees instead of values.